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A poll on attitudes to pornography

What is your view on pornography  

229 members have voted

  1. 1. What is your view on pornography

    • I am male and enjoy watching porn
    • I am female and enjoy watching porn
    • I am just not interested/ never watched
    • I watch porn with my partner
    • I am male and find porn disgusting
    • I am female and find porn disgusting

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. . . . . . . Re the shaving issue. Imagine an updated version of The Joy of Sex, the woman would have a very neat little Brazilian. What is wrong with female pubic hair?! . . .
It's probably okay for providing material to make new-age organic pillow stuffings, but apart from that it's best out of the way.
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I teach sex education. We cover attitudes towards and impact of pornography with older students. Most lads have never considered anything beyond the screen, but we try and raise the points that quite a few have raised on here. It def makes them think at least. We also do about body image and we use the pics from the sex ed show to make sure that normal is seen and the impact of media is examined. They are usually fairly shocked by normal. Shaved genitals also is talked about, the influence of porn is very insidious, and an awful lot of young people think they are making their own choices, without particularly understanding where the info/pressure etc is coming from. I think it's a generational thing as well. Today's teens who talk to parents about the shaving thing find that it really wasn't something their parents did or at least not to the same extent as appears to be the case now. Docs say they see a lot of young people in clinics who are shaven as well. Thorough sex education, from schools and home is very much needed, from basic stuff at a young age to detailed info about not just the negative stuff but also the positives of good consensual sex. Pleasure gets missed out too often. Our students look at me like I'm a bit crackers sometimes, when I talk about the issue of consent every time, tho the girls especially pay a lot of attention. Rather nicely today though was hearing some year ten boys talk about choice, respect, and feelings.



I can imagine the confusion encountered by kids if their using easy access porno (limited content) and school sex education which educates not just from a sexual perspective as a comparative. Porno to an extent has it's uses but only if it's used as an accompaniment, assuming the user is sufficiently versed in life's complexities, otherwise it becomes textbook, which basically says sex is about,,anal, facial, school girls etc.


Good informative sex education must be upped otherwise porno as it's educationally weaker easier accessible sibling will take over as the bedrock. If not I would advise youngsters who have a positive education to consider psychology as a career because we're going to need a lot of shrinks to counter failed relationships :hihi:

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What is wrong with female pubic hair?!


Nothing. In all fairness though what is wrong with a woman not wearing make-up?


We mess with our visual stuff all the time. I see no difference in messing with stuff that's not visual to the general public..:hihi:


All in all it's a cosmetic thing.

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