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A poll on attitudes to pornography

What is your view on pornography  

229 members have voted

  1. 1. What is your view on pornography

    • I am male and enjoy watching porn
    • I am female and enjoy watching porn
    • I am just not interested/ never watched
    • I watch porn with my partner
    • I am male and find porn disgusting
    • I am female and find porn disgusting

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And being stripped of the very essence of femaleness and sexuality into the bargain.:(


Shaved/waxed pubic hair, neatly trimmed labia, anal bleaching - I'm not sure how society got to the stage of thinking the supposed 'ideal' woman is that of a completely sanitised one (and I have no idea why this image is pushed when I don't for a second think it's everyone's preference). Are we really still offended by female sexuality and form? Apparently Australia is, where any nude photos of women must be photoshopped to omit visible labia due to the Australian censorship board considering anything other than a nice, neat slit in the skin obscene.:rolleyes:

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Shaved/waxed pubic hair, neatly trimmed labia, anal bleaching - I'm not sure how society got to the stage of thinking the supposed 'ideal' woman is that of a completely sanitised one (and I have no idea why this image is pushed when I don't for a second think it's everyone's preference). Are we really still offended by female sexuality and form? Apparently Australia is, where any nude photos of women must be photoshopped to omit visible labia due to the Australian censorship board considering anything other than a nice, neat slit in the skin obscene.:rolleyes:


I agree, sanitised and de-sexualised, ironically, resembling a blow up doll. I also read about this ludicrous Australian censorship issue - madness.:rolleyes: I think that it's heading in the same direction for men. Most images of bare torsoed men feature waxed chests.


I'm sure that this image is not to everyone's taste either, however, the whole sexual arena must be very confusing for some and I can see why.:(

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Proper lesbian porn, not faux lesbianism for male titillation?


I don't know for sure but I guess even "proper" lesbian porn will feature idealised women that lesbians fantasise about, it's supposed to be fantasy, it's not meant to be Channel 4 documentary.

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I don't know for sure but I guess even "proper" lesbian porn will feature idealised women that lesbians fantasise about, it's supposed to be fantasy, it's not meant to be Channel 4 documentary.


I've canvassed my lesbian friends about whether or not there are similar attitudes towards epilating, labiaplasty etc and haven't got very far as they're all my age. I must try harder.

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I personally wouldn't find a waxed male remotely attractive. Give me hair any day.


I agree, but it's odd how things change, 10 years ago it was all shaved and plucked now it's all "real" men, well as real as porn stars can be, things come and go in and out of fashion.

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I personally wouldn't find a waxed male remotely attractive. Give me hair any day.


I agree entirely. I personally think women look much sexier with some hair too.


You might be interested in this article Suffragette; it's very interesting.

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