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A poll on attitudes to pornography

What is your view on pornography  

229 members have voted

  1. 1. What is your view on pornography

    • I am male and enjoy watching porn
    • I am female and enjoy watching porn
    • I am just not interested/ never watched
    • I watch porn with my partner
    • I am male and find porn disgusting
    • I am female and find porn disgusting

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I don't watch TV for realism in all fairness. If I want to see realism I will just leave the house and take a look at the real world.


I may make a comment every now and again saying that something doesn't seem realistic on a TV program, but I don't actually care. I mean why would I, what difference does it make...

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I have widely canvassed my male friends on the subject of shaved lady bits. 99% prefer at least the labia shaved, basically because it looks nicer, is nicer to 'play with' and because it suggests the girl cares more about the appearance of her bits to go to the trouble of doing it- which they find sexy in itself.

I have widely canvassed my lady friends on whether/why they shave and my conclusion is not that its through any pressure from media / porn / men to do so but because girls are lovely little creatures in that they like to do things to please their man. It makes them feel good. If their man prefers shaved lady bits the lady will often do this to please their man. This isnt submissive behavour, it's just natural behavour, and everybody is happy :)

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I don't watch TV for realism in all fairness. If I want to see realism I will just leave the house and take a look at the real world.


I may make a comment every now and again saying that something doesn't seem realistic on a TV program, but I don't actually care. I mean why would I, what difference does it make...


Most shows are supposed to be drama (ie something you don't see by standing in the rain outside your house) in the real world (ie within certain realism boundaries), unless it's fantasy and there's magic involved then taking liberties with how we understand the world to work spoils the story. Which for me happens when they zoom in on some grainy CCTV image and 'enhance' it until they can read a number plate or see the serial number on a gun or some such nonsense.

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Were the women unrealistic because they were too attractive.


Quotes 'they didn't look like real lesbians'. Make of that what you will.


Maybe that's just a difference between men and women though. I don't generally get annoyed at TV programs because the men aren't realistic.

I'm more likely to get annoyed because they show technology that isn't realistic (or on SVU yesterday a diagnosis of aids within a few seconds of seeing oral thrush).


I'm sure that porn is one of the areas which accentuates gender differences. As you say, perhaps men watching James Bond wouldn't scoff as Daniel Craig's amazing body:love: but would critique the gadgets and technology.


(SVU, love that programme although it is very harrowing).

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I have widely canvassed my male friends on the subject of shaved lady bits. 99% prefer at least the labia shaved, basically because it looks nicer, is nicer to 'play with' and because it suggests the girl cares more about the appearance of her bits to go to the trouble of doing it- which they find sexy in itself.

I have widely canvassed my lady friends on whether/why they shave and my conclusion is not that its through any pressure from media / porn / men to do so but because girls are lovely little creatures in that they like to do things to please their man. It makes them feel good. If their man prefers shaved lady bits the lady will often do this to please their man. This isnt submissive behavour, it's just natural behavour, and everybody is happy :)


Fair enough. At least they (your male friends) don't find the labia offensive, or rather I assume that they don't, nor expect perfect symmetry.

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Sounds like your lesbian friends have some stereotyping issues.


Or that their gadar is so finely atuned to a straight woman playing a lesbian role that it lacked realism? I think that the lead charcater was played by a real (albeit closeted) lesbian but the rest of the cast were straight women. So I am informed, I didn't watch it.

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Coincidentally, have just read the following in a (women's magazine)


Because they're not biased.


Cue the SF topiary thread.


Has he been released from bail?



The article is about cement:confused:.



That's not a good article at all. A good article would offer a balanced PoV, something that this one fails miserably to do.


There is a whole lot of pressure upon Women today to look and behave a certain way


Only if you're a dim, gullible bint.


None of the women I know feel the way you described.:suspect:


She's not looking at it from a sexual perspective though is she


Neither are most posters on here.


it seems to me that there is a lot less peer pressure to have an ear piercing etc than there is to appear like an off duty porn star.


Sorry, but I don't see many women who look (or feel pressured to look) like "an off duty porn star". Maybe you need to look at your own insecurities rather than blame everything on "the media". Does no-one have the ability to make a decision for themselves and blindly follows what this "media" portrays?


I don't see many men challenging this, ergo, it is by default almost


Not many women, either. Seems like it's only the extremists that are having a problem differentiating between reality and porn.


I'm championing women.


And doing your sex a disservice in the process.


I find it a bit worrying that a so called professional's negative comments about women's genitalia appear on a public forum.


So you'd like to see comments censured so they don't offend your sensibilities? You'd like to see ignorance reign supreme?


It just fuels the elective c-section brigade and adds yet another layer of stress and worry that young pregnant women have to contend with.


Only if you're deliberately looking to find causes of stress.


Will it hurt? Will I tear?


You seem to look for offence when there isn't any.


And is the midwife laughing at my bits?:(


And where (exactly) did this midwife say she laughed at any individual's bits? Proof indeed that you don't read what's in front of your eyes and make things up to suit your agenda.


Where do you get 'latent mysogyny' from?


Some people throw labels around with no real thought to that which they type:|


I'm not sourcing porn for you - get it yourself!


So that's a no then.


It's obvious that's why the whole craze kicked off amongst porn stars, it's received wisdom.


Which is wrong as the "craze" is nothing to do with porn and is more to do with cleanliness and is something that both men and women partake in.


Ask people in the porn industry then why the whole shaving fad took off


You mean to stop genital lice from being spread?


Interesting that you see it that way, I don't.


Quelle surprise


As a young woman (22), I feel there are no expectations of me at all.




I personally wouldn't find a waxed male remotely attractive. Give me hair any day.


Which shows only your personal preference.


See ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


So, another non-answer to a valid question.


Why am I not surprised?


Speak for yourself.


What other uses do it perform then?


Eh? I agree it is a very refreshing post if only all young women were as self-assured and confident as JenC


Most are, which is a salient point that you seem unable to grasp.


I'm a hairy guy, PM me!!! lol!!


I've shaved all mine off, in honour of this thread:hihi:, or maybe it's because I'm dim and am easily lead by the porn industry:rolleyes:


The figures are even increasing on an annual basis


1,118 cases. Yep, that's quite a lot (NOT) out of a population of more than 30,000,000 adults.


Stop looking for molehills to make into mountains.


much in the same way the Sex and the City, didn't portray 'real' women.


Strange thing there, Eastenders doesn't portray real people either.


And there's the differentiating factor, the women I know who watched The L Word were annoyed by the lack of realistic women. I wonder how many men feel the same about the women they watch in soft porn?


Do you think films such as the "Die Hard" series portray reality?


Or that their gadar is so finely atuned to a straight woman playing a lesbian role that it lacked realism?


Nope. Deffo their issues:D.

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Quotes 'they didn't look like real lesbians'. Make of that what you will.


I make of it that they are as guilty as everyone else of stereotyping what a lesbian should look like, which you've got to admit is a bit sad.

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Because they're not biased.





It has nothing to do with women being 'dim, gullible bint', how insulting, facile and ignorant.:rolleyes: Don't buy into that myth, it's on the same spectrum as eating disorders which happen to be more prevalent with high achieving and intelligent women.


As for me having insecurities, absolutely not, but a very common trap to fall into when women start to challenge porn and its effects one immediately assumes that she has issues.:rolleyes: Do you assume that anything that anyone cares about must be because it directly affects them? What about altruism?


So now shaving is a hygiene issue to stop the spread of pubic lice.:rolleyes:

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