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A poll on attitudes to pornography

What is your view on pornography  

229 members have voted

  1. 1. What is your view on pornography

    • I am male and enjoy watching porn
    • I am female and enjoy watching porn
    • I am just not interested/ never watched
    • I watch porn with my partner
    • I am male and find porn disgusting
    • I am female and find porn disgusting

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I can never see the point in watching lesbians. I'm sure it's nice for them but it's not something I can identify with. I'd rather watch a bloke give some lass a right good rattling.


I agree that watching the rattling is much better, but that doesn't mean watching 'lesbians' isn't good. It's just not as good.


Just like I'd prefer to be the one doing the rattling rather than watching it.

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Ah, another movement of the goal posts.




I've seen many of your posts on here, so yes, the label fits (protests at Playboy clubs:shakes:).


Try actually reading my posts rather than assuming that I am saying something that I am not because it fits with your erroneous pigeon-holing and labelling.

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Try actually reading my posts rather than assuming that I am saying something that I am not.


Oh I have read your posts, very carefully, you claimed people shaved their nether regions due to the influence of porn. Which is patently wrong as people have been shaving for centuries.

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What a refreshing sane post- We sure like to pander to and mollecoddle the vacumous people these days.. but they cant be helped. If they didnt worry about their labia they would be told what else to worry about next.


Wait though. Although I may express that attitude, I'm just one young woman (which is not to say many others don't share my views). I agree that there's always something for girls to feel insecure about, but I think worries about labia are different. A girl might feel worried about the size of her breasts (for example), but she will be able to walk around any city centre and visibly see that there isn't anything abnormal about small breasts. She'll see that the size of breasts is vast and wide-ranging, and although she may still not like her breasts, she'll at least know that what she has is perfectly normal.


The problem with labia insecurity is that seeing other women's genitals is a hell of a lot harder. I don't even think porn is the principal culprit here, it's the fact that nowhere really shows anything other than one style of vulva. I would consider my school sex education to have been very good and extensive, yet I was never shown the many, many, many different ways a vulva can look (maybe children are shown this these days, I don't know). Any diagrams we were shown were of one type, the pictures and drawings in educational books were of the same type, the videos, ditto. So before even seeing porn, girls aren't seeing any other vulvas to get a true understanding of what women's genitals can actually look like. Now, I know plenty of girls will educate themselves and work it out, but the truth is some girls genuinely feel that what they have is abnormal. That's the problem. It's not a case of liking the way it looks or not liking the way it looks, it's that some really don't know what vulvas (in their great many styles) can look like.


There's a difference between feeling insecure about a part of your body that you know is normal, but just dislike, and feeling insecure and ashamed about a part of your body because you think it's abnormal simply due to lack of education and awareness about said parts.


The fact that there is an issue there cannot be quashed.


Eh? I agree it is a very refreshing post if only all young women were as self-assured and confident as JenC (who also happens to be incredibly bright, articulate and insightful), but the whole point of my argument is that not all young people have these qualities, if they did then it wouldn't be an issue. I believe that it is the latest form of body dysmorphia and unless we challenge it, it will start to become as entrenched as anorexia and bulemia.


What on earth does 'vacumous' mean?


Oh thank you :blush:


The sex-positive/sex-positive feminist sites I started looking at in my mid teens (which I can't deny influenced my attitudes towards sex and sexuality) were always awash with girls who, as I mentioned above, were terribly misinformed and thought their vulvas were deformed. That they went to such sites to ask about and research it is a good thing, but it also shows the sheer amount of girls and women who lack knowledge about their own bodies, and that's why it's a problem.


N.B. I realise this differs somewhat from women being informed but simply disliking the aesthetics of their labia, which is what I think you are mainly referring to.

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With regards the whole shaving thing. There's a remarkably good and simple reason why its done.


Its not about power or aethetics or hygiene or domination or disempowerment or anything else.


This is what its about.


Next time you have something to eat, take a pan scourer and the whole time you are eating gently rub from between your eyes to the tip of your nose. Don't be vigorous, you don't want to hurt yourself just stroke continuously the whole time you are eating.


Kind of takes the pleasure away from the act doesn't it?


Do you see what i'm telling you?


Happy shaving.

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