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Does Labour need Tony Blair back as soon as possible?

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Looking at the current dingbats from the labour party on question time, and many of the others. I cannot see Labour having any chance of gain power from the conservatives.


There current crop of MPs do not appear to be very working class, and seem to have absolutely no concept of how to connect with there core voters. This is because I believe many do not have similar life experiences.


I saw Tony Blair yesterday on the TV, and I have to say he did say it how it was, and appeared to say the things that would connect with the core labour voter.


I also think he could seriously rattle both Cameron and Clegg at the dispatch box.


Apart from Ed Balls, none of the current crop of Labour MPs appear to have a clue, and seem not to be able to say anything that sounds convincing.


Should Labour go back to the old school and bring back blair?

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No, Tony Bliar (deliberate typo, yeh) was a BIG part of the reason Labour lost the last Election IMO.


And I still can't forgive him for Iraq War II, which only happened because George W Bush wanted Iraq's plentiful Oil supplies IMO.

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Blair is not working class, however, he is a fantastic speaker.


Apart from Ed Balls, I believe that Tony Blair could do serious damage to current government and would be able to tear both cameron and clegg apart with ease, especially on the current economic situation.


People say "wasn't Blair the problem?" perhaps he was, but people still blame Margaret Thatcher for todays problems, and people forget that it was Labour's recklessness that has got us in this mess.


Aside from that, Tony Blair is a great speaker and with him back in the labour mix, he would convince the masses that Labour will be able to turn things around.

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Blair is not working class, however, he is a fantastic speaker.


Apart from Ed Balls, I believe that Tony Blair could do serious damage to current government and would be able to tear both cameron and clegg apart with ease, especially on the current economic situation.


People say "wasn't Blair the problem?" perhaps he was, but people still blame Margaret Thatcher for todays problems, and people forget that it was Labour's recklessness that has got us in this mess.


Aside from that, Tony Blair is a great speaker and with him back in the labour mix, he would convince the masses that Labour will be able to turn things around.

Don't forget his recent experience as a peace envoy in the Middle East.

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