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Are there any forumers who worked at BTS in the late fifties /sixties.


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Hello, did you work their Hazel. I was their when it was at Crookes.

We had a week in the wet room, cutting plastic tubing or in the glass room. The following week we were out on the road travelling around from city to city and villages or factory,s or prisons. A good time if you weren,t married.

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Yes I worked there for about 4 years I left in about 61. I too did the same routine as you. Week in the depot at Crookes and a week travelling.

Great job when travelling.

Did the rugby players at Oakam still give parties when we were there and did you go dancing in the Assembly Rooms Boston, very Jane Austen I thought.

We would get letters arriving addressed to ' Nurse Blue eyes' and Bowley used to come down to our room to find who it was.

We went to the Womens Institute at Broughton Astley where there was a (think it woud be called a midden) at the bottom of the garden which stank to high heaven and had 2 holes in a plank so you could sit side by side.!


Was Dr Bowley still in charge then ?


What I meant to ask is did you clean the needles that were in the solvent on the wet room windowsills. We did


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