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Time to buy those on benefits a house each?

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Landlords profit from the lack of social housing. Family lives in rented house at tax-payers expense for 5 years, cost to tax payer £30,000. The landlord receives all of this.


Local Authority builds house for family, cost £60,000. Family claim Goveernment benefits and pay their landlord, the Local Authority £500 per month. The government retains the house, so still has the capital.


Have I got something wrong?


Just one or two things.


On which planet do you plan to build these houses?


Where can you get a building plot for even 40k?


Let's imagine you could get a building plot (not overgrown) for 30k.


And the utility companies (gas, phone, electricity and water could hook up your building plot to their services at no cost whatever. (Their employees all work for nothing and they don't use any fuel or materials to connect their services to your site.)


Yeah, right!


Then there are the materials from which you are going to build the house.


Presumably, they cost pennies. Bricks are about a fiver a ton? (Delivered, of course. ;)) Copper tube, radiators, a combi boiler can all be bought for a few bob. (You are going to fit central heating, aren't you?)


Wiring a house doesn't cost much. Sockets, switches and lighting units are nearly free! (they will have to be, on your budget.)


Assuming you were to start with a piece of land which had a few scrubby trees, a load of weeds and 5 years' worth of litter. (Probably not atypical.)


How many man hours of work do you think you would need to pay for to clear the land and make it ready to build on?


How many hours of work (and how much material) would you need to lay the footings?


How many man hours of work? Will you be paying the workers, or are they supposed to work for nothing, too?


Once you've got your footings in, you can start building. Again, it's probable that the people who work for you will expect to be paid.


Where on earth do you come up with the idea that you can buy land, clear the land, connect utilities and build a house for 60k?


If a worker costs £40 an hour - not unrealistic because you - as the employer - are going to have to pay the people who do the work and you are also going to have to pay the people who look after the people who do the work and you are going to have to pay yourself and you are going to have to pay all the employer's costs (and we're not talking about skilled tradesmen - they will cost you far more) and if there are 1000 man hours work required to build a house, then your direct labour costs and the land costs are 70k - and you haven't spent a penny on materials, plant or fuel.


But you're going to build the house for 60k.


Good luck!

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Lets buy people on benefits a house each.


Such a simple idea.

Build them a house for social housing yes.


But buy them a house? Do you realize what that would do to house prices if everyone realized that the government was in the market for the house they've got for sale? Not to mention builders upping their prices if new houses are to be constructed.


It would be like that scene in Porridge where Mr Barrowclough tries to negotiate for the return of Mr Mackay's false teeth.


Barrowclough: I've been authorised to go up to a fiver

Fletcher: Then the quicker you go up to it the better, sir.

Barrowclough: Well hang it all Fletcher! I would like to make some token gesture towards bargaining.

Fletcher: Oh I'm sorry sir, sorry you go ahead, bargain away sir

Barrowclough: £3.50?

Fletcher: A fiver

Barrowclough: Done

Fletcher: You certainly have been


And I'm not sure how the rest of us are supposed to feel about this. I'd happily go on benefits for a free house. But do I have to give it up if I start work again? Can I start work, sell my free house and use the proceeds for a deposit on a much bigger house? What if people sell their free houses to downsize to a flat? Who buys the house? Will it go on the normal housing market or will they have to sell it back to the government?

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The economy is in a bad way. The housing benefit bill keeps rising, the buy to let market is booming. Working for a living is madness, productive work don't put food on the table or a roof over your head.


You want to make it in the UK, you need to get on the gravy train. You need to take advantage of those government subsidies. Housing benefit for landlords, tax credits that allow companies to pay staff less. etc. etc.


And the government needs to save 'money', it needs to reduce the amount of 'currency' it spends. Because at the end of the day, money is a means of exchange that has a store of value, and by eck £sterling ain't that. Tis nowt but a currency, and an intrinsically worthless one at that, backed up by a promise of other peoples labour, without their approval.


So back to the thread title...


Lets buy people on benefits a house each.


Such a simple idea.




We pay out more in housing benefit for these people to rent, than people have to pay to buy a house with a mortgage. Time to cut out the middle men, time to reduce the government's costs.


Time to buy everyone a house each and save money. And after 25 year it'll be paid off, else we'll be paying even more in housing benefit to landlords forever.


Let's buy everyone on benefits a house. It makes financial sense!


I got an idea... why not just throw em all in the workhouse.

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To the OP, we know you want to have a nice house provided to you by everyone else so you can sit smoking weed all day in it, but here's a thought instead of getting high and whinging on internet forums all day, go get a job and buy one!!


Its not hard, loads of people still buy.


IMO social housing should be a stop gap while people get on their feet not a free for all for all the free-loaders in this country.


To the people on here who want their life provided for them by the working people, get of your arse, stop playing xbox all day and get a ****ing job, 2 if needed!!


I already live in 'social housing'.


I now moan on the behalf of everyone else who is being ripped of by the powers that be due to land monopoly, housing benefit, other landlord/landowner subsidies and the lack of social housing.


Theoretically I don't have to work anymore, as it is.

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I already live in 'social housing'.


I now moan on the behalf of everyone else who is being ripped of by the powers that be due to land monopoly, housing benefit, other landlord/landowner subsidies and the lack of social housing.


Theoretically I don't have to work anymore, as it is.


Why dont you give up your social housing for someone in need?? You suggest you work so rent privatley??


as I already said IMO social housing should be a stop gap for the needy.

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I think we should mate. It'll be cheaper in the long run. I'm sick to the death of the government wasting money. They should stop playing silly buggers and buy everyone a house.


Job done.


I'll cease my "rants", but poor old andyofborg will have to find some other form of entertainment :D


so if anyone signing on gets a house....i'll take a break from working....cop for a council house...then find myself a job...lovely great smashing....

the wife and five kids want one each aswell....

then we will adopt and cop for some more then rent them out...not thought this through have we...

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I already live in 'social housing'.


I now moan on the behalf of everyone else who is being ripped of by the powers that be due to land monopoly, housing benefit, other landlord/landowner subsidies and the lack of social housing.


Theoretically I don't have to work anymore, as it is.



dont work then brother...but dont complain about others who are playing the system...thank you maggie for giving away those lovely council houses....can we have some more cameron...happy days

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Why dont you give up your social housing for someone in need?? You suggest you work so rent privatley??


as I already said IMO social housing should be a stop gap for the needy.


I believe everyone should be able to live in a council house if they so wish.

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