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The Earl on Fridays?


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Hi everyone,


Does anyone go to the Earl on Friday nights? I've been a few times before on weekends and some great drum n bass/breaks was goin on. But because we were pretty drunk, can't remember whether it was a Fri/Sat night!




Does anyone know?




Edited to say I found out from ents24.com that it's


Karl Otter + Fat Tony + Mad P + The Chief

At The Earl of Arundel and Surrey, Sheffield

From 8:00pm until 2:00am


This what I'm looking for dya reckon? xx

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Did you report it to the door staff or bar staff.

When did it happen? recently or a while ago.

Do you know what clubnight it was on, Spannered, All things electric ect.

I've never seen anybody openly selling drugs there and I've been doing nights down there for the last 18 months. If people are going around to strangers offering them drugs i would like to know as it's that sort of thing that can get a venue shut down very quickly.

PM me any info about dates ect and I will pass it onto the owners and the head of security.

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I don't know when it was in the Earl, as I wasn't there, just that mates have always said the place is a bit of a drug den.


I don't think people "openly" sell drugs anywhere, but if you know who to ask you can get them in most pubs/clubs in Sheffield (as in any other city).


Personally I don't care what people do, it's their life, and I probably wouldn't bother to report it if I saw someone taking/selling drugs.

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Originally posted by funkymiss

Hi everyone,


Does anyone go to the Earl on Friday nights? I've been a few times before on weekends and some great drum n bass/breaks was goin on. But because we were pretty drunk, can't remember whether it was a Fri/Sat night!




Does anyone know?




Hi there. I have a feeling it might have been the Transmission/Subversion crew. They play DnB/Breaks/Dub and stuff, and I think they've done events at The Earl. (don't quote me though)


Incidentally, I go to the earl quite regularly and I would dispute that it is "a bit of a drug den"

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I am the owner of the EARL, and DRUGS ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE at the Earl. We have over 24 hidden cameras in the complex and the police have DIRECT access remotely with these cameras. One would be a idiot EXTREME to sell, supply or anything as such at the place, and if we see anyone selling or otherwise we will act. Our venue is a comfortable "lounge" style club, designed to fit on you like a favourite pair of leather clubs, but we do not have any open drug policy and we do not wish to encourage it, and really with the extensive CCTV we have there, more advanced than any club in sheffield, people doing drugs at the Earl are taking a very very large risk.

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