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The Earl on Fridays?


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as head of security at the earl i can say this -

we do not tolerate any sale or use of drugs or indeed any act or behaviour which is contrary either to law or to good order - we will tolerate and encourage responsible partying and people having fun

if anyone has knowledge of anything contrary to law then it should and indeed must be reported to a member of staff particularly a member of the security staff for action to be taken


a note for the moderators of this forum - act responsibly!


just a little note antone caught by any member of staff in possession of, selling or using anything illegal will be arrested and handed over to the due authorities

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Originally posted by illodius

We have over 24 hidden cameras in the complex and the police have DIRECT access remotely with these cameras.


I'm sure that the Earl is drug free, but can I just ask you what direct access the police has to your cameras? I'm only interested... I would have thought that it would be pretty costly for police staff to monitor the numerous cctv systems dotted around the Sheffield pubs and clubs.


Thanks. :)

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The Earl is a fab pub, its interesting to see that the claim of drugs being available is due to a 'friend' being offered at some time in the past.


Nick2 has offered some very hazy proof on what he is claiming, not very fair on a pub that is a rare gem in Sheffield


A quote like "I don't know when it was in the Earl, as I wasn't there" says it all.


Lets all be careful when putting things like that on the forum.



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Originally posted by BoroughGal

I'm sure that the Earl is drug free, but can I just ask you what direct access the police has to your cameras? I'm only interested... I would have thought that it would be pretty costly for police staff to monitor the numerous cctv systems dotted around the Sheffield pubs and clubs.


Thanks. :)


It's part of a system called, "Shadowcams" (http://www.shadowcams.com) and part of the other business I own. As a club owner, I don't barely drink, don't smoke and definitely never ever take heavy drugs, so I am less keen on our place even having any rumour attached to it. It's also nice to see such positive responses on this forum about The Earl. At the end of the day like any club style venue, there will be dramas there from time to time, but in the three years I've owned it, barely any trouble has happened, and we have never been in **** with the police for drugs or anything similar. Sh*t happens however, but in our club there are just too many CCTV cameras watching. We're the "ONLY" venue to be watched by the police directly as we have a special program going on with the South Yorkshire Police, so any drug pushers, beware..... Anyone else is EXTREMELY welcome. Fact is, the police are going to jump down any venue that has drug rubbish going on and with the new drug task forces up and running since last month I for one would not want to play with fire on this issue, or face being shut down which would be a terrible shame for everyone as the Earl truly is a unique place in sheffield to come on, have a good time without having all the nonsense of a commerical style club! Anyway, my opinion....

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Originally posted by Shiesh

I wanted to call in the other Saturday 19/11 for a drink but it was closed!! :confused:


Not sure why!!


In future I will check out the Website before I book my babysitter!!




I have never heard of any drug problem.....:suspect::loopy:


Sorry! Staff sometimes get a little tired!!!! :-) Next time perhaps!!

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Originally posted by nick2

I don't know when it was in the Earl, as I wasn't there, just that mates have always said the place is a bit of a drug den.


I don't think people "openly" sell drugs anywhere, but if you know who to ask you can get them in most pubs/clubs in Sheffield (as in any other city).


Personally I don't care what people do, it's their life, and I probably wouldn't bother to report it if I saw someone taking/selling drugs.


Also I think with such a nice "casual" venue like The EARL it's easier for it to attract the stupid reputation that if we are "kewl and relaxed" as a venue, then maybe people get the WRONG impression we are casual about drugs, well definitely not true, and as CarCrash says, after owning the place for years I've never even seen any drug use going on, not to say that it doesn't happen, but people have never EVER let me see it as they know my EXTREME views on that kinda crap. A very very dim view, drugs also cause other problems, like people drink less so you make alot less money and frankly selling just water isn't the game we are in. So over all, it's all bad news and I'll kick anyone up the arse and more if they do that crap at The Earl. :-) Putting it in the nicest possible way ofcourse. Since I am involved with many other venues as well in Sheffield, the culprits if known would suddenly find themselves pretty much banned at most venues, which has been done in the past........I hope my notices are sinking in on our view on drugs....

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