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Where is the best place to visit in the peak district , and why?

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simple question - want to find where abouts you have visited in the peak district that you remember as being a fantastic place , for personal reasons or for reasons of just being a fabulous place - really look forward to anyones views - mine?


Longstone edge - abundant in wildlife

Ashford In The Water - just such a peaceful place , sitting on the benches over the river

Abney Gliding Club - like going back 50 years and so peaceful

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Last year I visited Hathersage a couple of times, for the open air swimming pool, nice place for a visit but a bit too quiet and remote for me, wouldn't like to live there.. I also like Bakewell, for the shops, and the fish and chip shop, can't go without a slice of Bakewell Tart either...

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agree with all of above , castleton is great but only if its 9am on a sunday or a weekday , heaving throngs are not my cup of tea, also monsal head - again similar i guess that 8am on weekend morning its most peaceful place on earth, with only the crows nicking out of bins as your company , otherwise its again heaving crowds come 12pm . but then again few beauty spots are left that are truly peaceful i guess..... victims of their own success

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Castleton (and the surrounding area) is nice, but only in Winter, when it's not swarming with people and traffic.


Yep, just a shame that if you go then, everything's closed because the tourist season's finished, so the Town is broke due to no money coming in from said tourists..

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As much as I like Bakewell and Castleton, I do not like the crowds that tend to come with those places. The reason I escape to the peaks is to escape the crowds of the city, hence why I go to the more remote places often than not. Saying that, much of the peaks is busy nowadays :(

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