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Rememberence for all..even muslims.


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So the question should be do we do enough to support the living muslim soldiers and do we do enough to remember them?


Can you suggest how we don't already?


On Armistice Day and Rememberance Sunday, we wear poppies and gather together to remember fallen soldiers, airmen and sailors, regardless of ethnicity or religion.

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As usual, bunch starting anti-muslim thread...Read history and you'll see that first in lines in war zone fighting nazis were often the foreign legions of many western countries ( lots of muslims!)

Muslims fought on both sides, just like Christians did.





Muslims also fought admirably (for us) during WWI.


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We have Muslim servicemen and women today, some fine and dedicated people whose Muslim faith doesn't get in the way of their national pride and loyalty to their adopted nation, but they are so few compared to the percentage of our society they make up.


Unusually, I support Mecky's comment. If our Muslim communities were making a genuine attempt to integrate, rather than islandise themselves as cities within cities, we would see far more Muslims in various uniformed services - but we do not, because the majority of Muslims living here have little loyalty to the UK.

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We should build a city and build big walls round it and leave them there to get on with bombing each other!


Why would you want to do that? Muslims fought for us in both world wars - that's not a respectful thing to suggest at all is it?

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