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Rememberence for all..even muslims.


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This year I was thinking about all of the fallen heroes of WW2 and thinking how they would feel living in society today. They fought to stop Adolph Hitler from realising his dream of a thousand year reich. He started by killing millions of jews and also romany gypsies but would have moved onto the muslim world given the chance. It struck me that the decadent west that extreme muslims love to hate were the exact same people who liberated the world of the worst dictator of all time. It's about time they came to realise that had our forefathers failed, they would not be around today to preach against the west and hate us so much. Hitler would have taken control and wiped out everyone who didn't fit his idea of perfection. Muslims should also be wearing poppies and giving thanks as much as us.


It's worth pointing out that some countries with high or majority Muslim populations sided with Axis forces, some sided with Allied forces.


You have to remember, that this was still a time of European colonialism. I'd hazard a guess that whatever side they fought with would have often been at the mercy of whom ever happened to be their European overlords at the time rather than a conscious decision to choose a side. Happy to be corrected by the more knowledgable forummers.


Also lots of Muslims do wear poppies I'm sure. Ahmadis in Britain (much persecuted by other Muslims around the world which is why their HQ is in Britain) take part in the annual poppy selling drive for the Royal British Legion.

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We have Muslim servicemen and women today, some fine and dedicated people whose Muslim faith doesn't get in the way of their national pride and loyalty to their adopted nation, but they are so few compared to the percentage of our society they make up.


Unusually, I support Mecky's comment. If our Muslim communities were making a genuine attempt to integrate, rather than islandise themselves as cities within cities, we would see far more Muslims in various uniformed services - but we do not, because the majority of Muslims living here have little loyalty to the UK.


Perhaps as an ex-serviceman you could do your bit and spend some time in schools encouraging muslim boys and girls that the forces represent a great career choice?

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It's about remembering those who agreed (even if they didn't have a choice)


How do people agree to something that they have no choice in doing?:confused:


If our Muslim communities were making a genuine attempt to integrate, rather than islandise themselves as cities within cities


Over the last week or so I've patronised quite a few shops that are owned by muslims, all of which had poppies for sale.


They also seem to have better English language skills than their non-muslim counterparts.


In both cases, 'many' would be better replaced by 'some'.


So you know all mulsims who reside in England?

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