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Rememberence for all..even muslims.


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Yes, the Germans honour their war dead too - And I have no problem with that.


There is one theme common to them all. It's not (obviously) 'How we fought two world wars'. Indeed, if you were paying attention at any of the ceremonies you would have noted that the Wars themselves were minor players.


The point of the ceremonies is to remember those who - when they were called upon to serve [and possibly to give their lives for the countries which called upon them to do so] did what they were required to do.


It's not about 'glorifying war'- nobody likes war (least of all those who elect - or were obliged - to serve in the armed forces.) It's about remembering those who agreed (even if they didn't have a choice) to make whatever sacrifice was necessary to defend their country.

sorry, but that seems incredibly silly to me.


It absolutely is glorifying war, or at least glorifying the profession of soldier, and horrible nationalism. This idea that sigining up to kill people for the ruling elites, sorry I mean 'defend your country' :rolleyes::gag: is somehow an honourable thing to do (even in Nazi germany according to you) is disgusting to me.


When I observe the 2 minutes silence I think about all those who have died or had their live's ruined because of wars, not just soldiers. In fact soldiers are probably slightly less in my thoughts than civilians because unlike civilians, soldiers generally choose to go to war, and get paid for it.

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