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Intimidating me while I'm having a driving lesson

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I have recently started driving lessons, just had my 5th so new to the road as anything but a passenger. What I would love to know is why do people in big fancy BMW's feel the need to tailgate me then show me what they probably do with there hands at home as well as shouting (not sure if they understand I cannot actually hear them??)


They then like to overtake me after making me a nervous wreck and full of panic! See if I was doing something wrong I could understand the odd irate impatient driver as I might be myself one day BUT seen as it's always on a 40 road when I'm driving at dead on 40mph so doing the correct and legal speed.


I'm confused, by doing this to me how does it help anybody? If you are the irate BMW driver then please drop back a little. Give me space to learn and DONT expect me to go over the speed limit when I have a driving instructor next me you idiot!

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Although I did have driving lessons and experience what you did, regardless of the speed some people tend to think that the car will automatically be going slow. Some do it to annoy the student and driver. I ride a motorbike and if I am behind a driving school car if it is clear ahead and safe I will overtake in a non intimidating way to help the learner in front not feel anxious at all about a bike being behind. Not only that but on one occasion I was riding at 30mph and the learner car in front approached some traffic lights cautiously waiting for them to change however the second the bumper crossed the traffic light the light went from green to AMBER and she performed an emergency stop there and then. Luckily I was well behind and have powerful brakes however the car behind me was very stressed at the incident that had just happened. I did hear the instructor screaming at the pupil as well.


I would not let them irritate you and I always tended when I was learning to drive if someone was going to overtake keep going and take it with a pinch of salt. They may arrive at there destination a second faster but if the local plod sees them up ahead speeding them they will be fined. So in a way you could have saved them from a speeding ticket had they not decided to overtake and speed. I packed in the driving lessons as I felt driving wasn't for me and decided to do a full bike test.


Good luck and don't let these people intimidate you at all.

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may be you arn't suited for driving if you becoem so stressed!, drives will treat you much worse with out the L plates on !


What nonsense!!!!...We all have to learn! I don't think anyone learning hasn't been nervous over some aspect of driving, or reversing or parking, or whatever.


I was fortunate enough (many moons ago admittedly) to be able to learn to drive the car off public highways. So when it came to lessons, it was more a case of getting used to traffic, and learning 'how to pass the test'. Not learning to drive from scratch.

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What nonsense!!!!...We all have to learn! I don't think anyone learning hasn't been nervous over some aspect of driving, or reversing or parking, or whatever.


I was fortunate enough (many moons ago admittedly) to be able to learn to drive the car off public highways. So when it came to lessons, it was more a case of getting used to traffic, and learning 'how to pass the test'. Not learning to drive from scratch.


Wouldn't it be worst that way? You would not have any knowledge of traffic or any real hands on experience.

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