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Cigarette in take-away food.. would you report it?

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On Friday night we ordered a curry from one of our local takeaways. My wife found a very neatly sliced cigarette end in her keema nan bread. I rang the takeaway and complained. At first the owner insisted that nobody who works there smokes, then he said none of them smoke in the kitchen. Then he said he would send the delivery driver round to refund our money and bring free food. He didn't seem to understand why we wouldn't want anymore food from them!


The driver did return our money and was very insistent in offering us free food. I feel I should have reported them. Is it too late now? (I have kept the nan bread and the cig end.)


Would you report it?

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On Friday night we ordered a curry from one of our local takeaways. My wife found a very neatly sliced cigarette end in her keema nan bread. I rang the takeaway and complained. At first the owner insisted that nobody who works there smokes, then he said none of them smoke in the kitchen. Then he said he would send the delivery driver round to refund our money and bring free food. He didn't seem to understand why we wouldn't want anymore food from them!


The driver did return our money and was very insistent in offering us free food. I feel I should have reported them. Is it too late now? (I have kept the nan bread and the cig end.)


Would you report it?


Report it for what? You got your money back. You got a guesture of compensation. What more do you want.


Was anyone injured - NO

Was anyone traumatised by the situation - NO

Was the offending object consumed - NO.


Seriously, things happen sometimes, mistakes are made. Bits of plastic gets into food, wrapping sometimes does not fully cover a product, tins get dented or bottles leak.


Can you not just give them the benefit of doubt or simply do not use them again.

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Report it for what? You got your money back. You got a guesture of compensation. What more do you want.


Was anyone injured - NO

Was anyone traumatised by the situation - NO

Was the offending object consumed - NO.


Seriously, things happen sometimes, mistakes are made. Bits of plastic gets into food, wrapping sometimes does not fully cover a product, tins get dented or bottles leak.


Can you not just give them the benefit of doubt or simply do not use them again.


It sounds to me as folks were pretty traumatised. I certain would have been. You start wondering what you had already eaten before you discovered the fag end.

Neither was it a mistake. A hair in food can be a mistake. Bits of plastic can be a mistake, but fag ends in food isn't a mistake. It is only possible if the premises are deliberately flouting the smoking regulations and the health & hygene regulations. Folks weren't permitted to smoke in food preperation areas before the smoking ban. Now we have a ban in place it makes matters doubly bad.

Any food outlet that ignores such a basic requirement of food hygene wants shutting down because you have no idea what other regulations they are ignoring. Other people are buying food from this place and consumers have an obligation to report such breeches of hygene to the Environmental Health Authority. Do it now before you read about someone being poisoned

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I was once discussing a quote with the owner of a chicken take-away, when an old guy (owners father??) was flicking fag ash into a sink that contained a large plastic bag of thawing chicken. I realise that it was unlikely to come into contact with the chicken but nevertheless, it was enough to prompt me to decline the offer of free food when we actually did the job.

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