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Depression do you suffer ?

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Depression is a sign of giving up. If you give up you let people get away with things. Fight for everything and never give up. Use the moto, "Strive to suceed"


total bs who are we letting get away with ? do you think its others who get us down . its our selfs you totaly have no idea:loopy:

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Depression is a sign of giving up. If you give up you let people get away with things. Fight for everything and never give up. Use the moto, "Strive to suceed"


Really? So the demonstrated hormonal and neurochemical imbalances that occur in a whole selection of mental health illnesses are just caused by giving up? Where is your medical degree from?

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What a load of rubbish. It's obvious that you have never suffered from depression. You know zilch about the condition. :mad:


its ppl like this that have no idea . they look at us a nd say just get out to the pub drink a bit have a laff CHEAR UP MISSRY GUTTS ... we wish we could


me for one find it hard to ever smile or joke feel alienated in a crowd shopping centres hmmm [uzi and sprayiing come to mind ] have trouble sleeping maybe a 1 hour a night and pills make me feel like walking dead . could easy step of a cliff with out a seacond thought and in worst case take some numpty with me !


but hey sure if I watch a good film have a pint and joke with mates it should all be ok in the morning :thumbsup:

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I find that depression doesn't come just on it's own. When I'm suffering from a bout of depression I find I have anxiety and ocd symptoms as well. I found tablets worked to varying degrees but not completely.


I've just started counselling due to suspected Body Dysmorphic Disorder and am finding it really hard at the moment. I'm hoping there is a light at the end of the tunnel and that I've taken the first step to take control of my life and feelings (easier said than done). Depression in its varying forms is awful and I really feel for anyone going through it.


I found that the tablets that produced some positive effects did so at the cost of huge side effects that I just couldn't live with, and the ones that didn't have the side effects didn't do anything positive either.


The key to me dealing with and learning to both live around and limit the effects of the depression that I struggled with intermittently was finding a good counsellor who uses methods that I can work with, and committing to going to weekly counselling for a year to gradually go through everything.


Counselling only when you're in the hole is a great thing because it helps you to get out of the hole, but it doesn't prevent you from falling into the hole next time, and the fear of falling into the hole can in some ways make that fall more likely.


Counselling to work on my basic issues, develop coping skills and strategies to help myself not fall into the hole in the first place- now that was handy :)

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its ppl like this that have no idea . they look at us a nd say just get out to the pub drink a bit have a laff CHEAR UP MISSRY GUTTS ... we wish we could


me for one find it hard to ever smile or joke feel alienated in a crowd shopping centres hmmm [uzi and sprayiing come to mind ] have trouble sleeping maybe a 1 hour a night and pills make me feel like walking dead . could easy step of a cliff with out a seacond thought and in worst case take some numpty with me !


but hey sure if I watch a good film have a pint and joke with mates it should all be ok in the morning :thumbsup:


People who haven't got a clue really aren't worth your worry ;)

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What can people who don't suffer from depression do for people who suffer from depression?


Understand that is true illness, which can be very debilitating and not pass it off as some whimsical state of mind thing. Just understanding the illness would go a long way :)


Btw... none of the above was aimed at you personally. Just answering the question in general terms :)

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Most people at some time have periods when they feel sad. Depression isn't like this in my opinion. Its more than that, its in our body's chemistry...You either get it or you don't. I'm no expert but I feel depression doesn't need a trauma to start, although it can help a bout...It can come at any time, even during periods when everything seems to be going well.


There are no "types" of people that suffer either. It's not a weakness, its an illness. You can't (or struggle) to pull yourself together, this advise isn't much use and seldom works. Its like asking someone with a sprained ankle to stop limping..


Anyway, to end with a joke...


Q What's an advantage to Major Depression?

A You never have to make your bed, because you're always in it.


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