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Depression do you suffer ?

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What can people who don't suffer from depression do for people who suffer from depression?


think the main thing I find realy anoying is when ppl say chear up:suspect:


also you have to be realy understanding we may sleep a lot its not being lazy we just either feel realy tired or worn out and some times just to be alone .


not eating is also a problem well was for me could go days on one meal but with mirtazapine found I never stoped eating and they realy make you sleep at night and throu the day ..


not getting out much to avoid ppl or groups . try to get the person out of the house even if for shopping or a short walk with the dog.


never call us lazy boring or use the chear up words .. also with most meds the first 4 weeks are bad we go throu a real change and can be prone to anger or outbursts and realy are not our real selfs .


on a side note been on mirtazapine 30 mg for over 6 weeks and realy not likeing them they do help with insomnia and was sleeping great and eating everything and anything real weight gain .. But the down side is dont feel uplifted or improveing always feel sleepy and tired 0% energy and unsteady on my feet almost a drunk feeling ...

lucky I got a back up supply of sertraline and some phenergan to help sleep so I am swapping back over not sure what the doc gona say next week lol but realy couldnt face another day on mirtazapine:D

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