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How will this forum handle the death of Margaret Thatcher?

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I predict that some will be wailing and a-beating their breast that she's gone.


Others of us will be wailing and a-beating our breast that it took as long as it did.


I think that wishing someone dead is a disgraceful thing to say, particularly as you are a moderator. You should know better!

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I think that wishing someone dead is a disgraceful thing to say, particularly as you are a moderator. You should know better!


I may be an Assistant Mod, but I can still have my opinion about the old crow, Mumkin. I am not modding this thread, so can express an opinion.


Quite frankly, I even intend to break my vow of temperance, briefly, the night she goes toes-up.


As I said in other posts, elsewhere, I grew up during the winter of discontent under Heath, and as a young woman, saw Thatcher and her "Gordon Gecko" style policies ("Greed is good") implemented.


I saw local industries perish and wither. I remember the unemployment lines of the eighties...


I shan't be sorry, at all, to see her gone.

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