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How will this forum handle the death of Margaret Thatcher?

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I may be an Assistant Mod, but I can still have my opinion about the old crow, Mumkin. I am not modding this thread, so can express an opinion.


Quite frankly, I even intend to break my vow of temperance, briefly, the night she goes toes-up.


As I said in other posts, elsewhere, I grew up during the winter of discontent under Heath, and as a young woman, saw Thatcher and her "Gordon Gecko" style policies ("Greed is good") implemented.


I saw local industries perish and wither. I remember the unemployment lines of the eighties...


I shan't be sorry, at all, to see her gone.


PT, In the years I have been on here and have agreed and respected all your posts, this is the one that I am the most disappointed with. I grew up at the same time as you, and remember all that you do. But the above post tells me that you would celebrate someone's death, and that upsets me greatly from a peace loving person such as you .

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I think that celebrating anybody's death is a rather macabre and unpleasant thing to do. There's a difference between saying that you're pleased she's no longer in a position of power in the governing of the country and celebrating that a human being is no longer alive.
So it's fine to say that of Thatcher? ;)


I have the champagne on ice...

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She's not dead yet, and I find it disgusting that SF allowed this thread to go as far as it has.


She is a very strong woman that men feared, how many women on here can claim that they ran a country, and won a war.


You mean the one where we turned the SAS, SBS, Marines and Paras, against a bunch of young conscripts?

That wasnt a war, it was an embarrassment.

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PT, In the years I have been on here and have agreed and respected all your posts, this is the one that I am the most disappointed with. I grew up at the same time as you, and remember all that you do. But the above post tells me that you would celebrate someone's death, and that upsets me greatly from a peace loving person such as you .


I am, normally, a very tolerant person, but in this instance, just for once, I am "going against type", and will make an exception for her. I'm afraid she is one person I have nothing but utter disdain for.

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I think that celebrating anybody's death is a rather macabre and unpleasant thing to do. There's a difference between saying that you're pleased she's no longer in a position of power in the governing of the country and celebrating that a human being is no longer alive.


I agree with this. I used to believe that I would rejoice when she died, however, I have softened in old age. I won't weep, but she is somebody's mother and grandmother and it will be sad for them. I used to think (in my idealistic youth) that she was positively evil. Now I just think that she was stupidly misguided, however, that does not mean that she deserves to die.

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