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The pressure's on to cut fuel taxes, apparently.

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Cut Fuel Taxes !


Apparently there`s preasure for it.


Are you for motherhood and apple pie ? ! ?


Let`s be honest, any fuel tax cut will mean one of two things, either a cut in services, or an increase in income tax.


Even if you forget about traffic congestion I`d rather they put tax on fuel than on my income, simple as.


What about people who don`t pay income tax ?

Well to be frank I don`t understand how anyone could earn so little that they don`t pay any income tax (or be on benefits) and afford to run a car.

Worse, what about all those people in the black economy, you know Billy the Bodging Builder who wants paying in cash, so he doesn`t pay any tax, whilst we all pay for his/his families services.

Forget that.

The fact he can`t avoid paying tax when he fills his van with fuel, well that`s a bleedin` good thing, and the more he has to pay, the better.

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The sooner there is a large cut, not just a freeze, or scrapping of a planned rise, the better; The price of fuel is getting eye watering.

apparently on the radio today it mentioned brits living abroad were happy to be going home cos of the fuel prices

one mentioned was a woman in spain

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