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Becoming A Taxi Driver!


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Hello all you Cabbies out there.


I have been thinking about getting into Taxi Driving recently, I have read other threads regarding the same question but they don't answer all the questions. The responses are 50/50 split between "Yes it's a great job" :D and "You must be crazy to want to do that". :loopy:


I realise the procedure and requirements and cost of Car, Radio Hire, Petrol, Insurance etc.....I realise that I would need to reach £350 a week to break even. I would ideally like to make £375 a week clear after tax and the above expenses :thumbsup:.


Is it cheaper and or more profitable to drive Black Cab or PH Taxi?


I do not mind working long hours(60 hours) if required, I do not have family responsibilities and am not over burdened with debt. I need some genuine responses on things like how you do your hours if you do loads of them(do you split your shifts etc) how much weekdays and how much weekends(obviously weekend is the most profitable). Do you get much trouble from the intoxicated public, how supportive are your employers with trouble caused against drivers and do the Police tend to side with Cabbies?


Are you restricted to Sheffield only with your badge or can you work for a firm in Rotherham etc? Would thinking about working somewhere close like Chesterfield be a better option?


Do the firms tend to favour some drivers who are "in" with the management or office staff and some drivers get all the crap jobs etc?


I was also wondering if there was a waiting list for becoming a driver for one of the well known firms?


Any other advice, basically anything you were asking yourself when you started out would be welcome.


Only genuine responses please, no turf wars. Thank You.





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I have been thinking about getting into Taxi Driving recently, I have read other threads regarding the same question but they don't answer all the questions. The responses are 50/50 split between "Yes it's a great job" :D and "You must be crazy to want to do that". :loopy:


Although an old thread, most of it is still relevant...




He is doing very well :)




A couple of things that have changed, or that you've asked.


I realise the procedure and requirements and cost of Car, Radio Hire, Petrol, Insurance etc.....I realise that I would need to reach £350 a week to break even. I would ideally like to make £375 a week clear after tax and the above expenses


£725 on top (and that's without tax+ also you won't take 725 on 90 of fuel) would require at least the amounts of hours that you have stated (probably near 75 ish on ave). There are quite a few drivers on here though, that could answer that better.

Do you get much trouble from the intoxicated public


If you know where you are going - you won't get much trouble.


I need some genuine responses on things like how you do your hours if you do loads of them(do you split your shifts etc) how much weekdays and how much weekends(obviously weekend is the most profitable)


You can work when you want - but you'd learn when busy times are, and for max profit, you'd be looking to do them.


Is it cheaper and or more profitable to drive Black Cab or PH Taxi?

If you are hiring rather than buying...


You could hire a PHV for £100 a week (plus ins)

You can hire black cabs for about £220/wk (with ins+station permit)


There are 830 black cabs (capped) now, so cab with no radio, I can't even imagine how they make anything! They obviously do, but you'd need a station permit I think.


Are you restricted to Sheffield only with your badge or can you work for a firm in Rotherham etc? Would thinking about working somewhere close like Chesterfield be a better option?

Yes. Alternatively you could go for a NE Derbyshire badge, and work out there.


I was also wondering if there was a waiting list for becoming a driver for one of the well known firms?

I think there is on both.

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Although an old thread, most of it is still relevant...




He is doing very well :)




A couple of things that have changed, or that you've asked.




£725 on top (and that's without tax+ also you won't take 725 on 90 of fuel) would require at least the amounts of hours that you have stated (probably near 75 ish on ave). There are quite a few drivers on here though, that could answer that better.



If you know where you are going - you won't get much trouble.




You can work when you want - but you'd learn when busy times are, and for max profit, you'd be looking to do them.



If you are hiring rather than buying...


You could hire a PHV for £100 a week (plus ins)

You can hire black cabs for about £220/wk (with ins+station permit)


There are 830 black cabs (capped) now, so cab with no radio, I can't even imagine how they make anything! They obviously do, but you'd need a station permit I think.



Yes. Alternatively you could go for a NE Derbyshire badge, and work out there.



I think there is on both.



Thanks for the reply Ash. Wow, 70 odd hours to get £375 in your pocket, I suppose most drivers do 12 hours Fri, Sat and Sun then 8 hours the other days? It may be worth buying your own radio or car and I guess it means kissing your hobbies Goodbye due to the hours? I'm trying to compare it to the hours I currently do at work. I close the door at 6.45 am and return around 6pm and I don't work weekends.


Sorry to keep asking questions but they keep coming up in my head. Are most PH taxi that you hire from firm a Diesel engine as that is most economical and do you get any tax relief on fuel or anything else?


I read your link and was bewildered at what the BTEC thing was your poster was talking about?Not cashing in on more unnecessary qualifications surely?


I also thought of going the Minibus business/ Airport runs(does this need taxi badge?) route. I see you need a PSV Licence for Minibus Bizz if it's more than 8 passengers, but I can't seem to find much about if you only take 8 or less passengers? So many rules and regs I'm amazed anyone even gets started out.


I would really like a job on the road, whether it's Taxis, HGV or Courier work. Anyway, I'm waffling know so i'm off, Thanks again.






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Thanks for the reply Ash. Wow, 70 odd hours to get £375 in your pocket, I suppose most drivers do 12 hours Fri, Sat and Sun then 8 hours the other days? It may be worth buying your own radio or car and I guess it means kissing your hobbies Goodbye due to the hours? I'm trying to compare it to the hours I currently do at work. I close the door at 6.45 am and return around 6pm and I don't work weekends.


Day drivers do make money (obv as they wouldn't do it otherwise), and have more time 'working', but they spend a lot of time in traffic.


Night drivers sit about more, but do jobs quicker.


Swings and roundabouts - I think I earned the same doing either, but day work has less hassle (less *****ed custs), but lots more sitting in traffic.


Nights, more risk, but quick jobs, so when it's busy you can get lots of work in shorter space of time. When it's busy in the day, you can't do anything to make things go faster as you can only move as fast as the day traffic. On the other side, day work is consistent - hair dressers, docs, hosps, station jobs etc... night work can be mega busy, or deathly boring.


I started on days and earned well. But once I'd done a night shift, I couldn't go back to days.


Sorry to keep asking questions but they keep coming up in my head. Are most PH taxi that you hire from firm a Diesel engine as that is most economical and do you get any tax relief on fuel or anything else?


I don't know a single driver these days that has a petrol. No tax relief no. And we get dipped a lot, so no short cuts.


I read your link and was bewildered at what the BTEC thing was your poster was talking about?Not cashing in on more unnecessary qualifications surely?


I don't think you have to do that, but I know a lot of new drivers who can't speak English and are dopey do this thing, and pass their badge.


I also thought of going the Minibus business/ Airport runs(does this need taxi badge?) route. I see you need a PSV Licence for Minibus Bizz if it's more than 8 passengers, but I can't seem to find much about if you only take 8 or less passengers? So many rules and regs I'm amazed anyone even gets started out.


I think it's 1-8 taxi, and 9+ psv and council. Don't quote me on that though. It might be 1-7 and 8+. You could get PSV and get your own license and work alone (i think about a grand a year for a license from council)


If you fancy going down this line, then you might struggle on your own as prices are mega competitive... your best bet would be to join a few drivers who do the same, and share work, so you aren't all doing one-way trips.


I would really like a job on the road, whether it's Taxis, HGV or Courier work. Anyway, I'm waffling know so i'm off, Thanks again.


HGV is good if you've got experience, and contacts.



Hope that helps.

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Thanks again Ash, your answers are very helpful. I feel like Columbo here "Just one more thing, sir".... I didn't know what you meant by "Getting Dipped a lot"


As regards the minibus thing, when you said workshare, could you explain that a bit more? Is it like you get in with drivers from other areas or cities so you don't have an empty minibus on the way back? If so how do you get yourself in with other drivers?


HGV sounds a bit Catch 22, you don't have experience if you've only just passed and I don't know anyone in the game, Damn!

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