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BMA want the government to ban smoking in your car..

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Exactly, they should go even further and ban smoking totally IMO.


Nasty horrible habit! :loopy:


Banning smoking is not the answer, how would that work?:roll: It's like sayng that alcohol should be banned and that really worked with Prohibition, didn't it? And the war on drugs is another huge success story. :rolleyes:Smoking should however be restricted to people's private homes and certain designated public spaces.

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I've had my bike licence 20 years and also owned only convertible cars for 15. Never been hit by a fag end.


I was hit once by a tab end, it landed in my lap and burnt a hole in my waxed bellstaffs, it was at night and at the time I didn’t know why I appeared to be on fire.

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Sorry! BMA want the government to ban smoking in your car...........even when you are in it by yourself!!


So, this is the next step Big Brother is taking in order to take away our choice! Banning smoking in a private space. Next they will ban smoking in our homes.


Thankfully this is only a proposed ban at the moment, hopefully it's never going to come to fruition but the fact that it has made the national news is worrying!


When will the anti smoking campaigners stop? Soon there will be a country full of smokers without cigarettes pulling their hair out running riot!


Smoking in the car with children in the back is the main arguement here, fair enough, if you smoke with your children in the back, you're an idiot!! This shouldn't stop the rest of us being able to enjoy a cigarette, in our car, ALONE!


What will they ban next?



Quite easy to guess, as the numbers increase in our Country to un-managable proportions, then SEX will be banned to assist in lowering the numbers.





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I think all smokers should be actively encouraged to up their tobacco consumption. Maybe the extra tax revenue would mean we could have lower petrol prices!! Then make them pay for their medical treatment when they get ill in later life as they brought it upon themselves!!



Aye, then drinkers could pay for their medical treatment, overweight folk could pay for their medical treatment, where do you draw the line.


Never smoked in my life, but would never vote to stop it - anywhere.





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