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Am I Intolerant Or Just Grumpy?

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I spend a fair bit of time being grumpy. I am with Supertramp insofar as I cannot abide bad grammar. There is no need for it. If you are of a certain age you would have been taught it thoroughly at school. I also detest the misuse of words and bad spelling. These few things are just the tip of a very large iceberg, not of the lettuce variety I hasten to add.



Shouldn't that be "in so far as" :?

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Cor! another perfect person. How sad,don't you think life is a bit to short for trivialities.


Quite the contrary it is because life is so short that it is good to be passionate about things, especially knowledge, but that is just my opinion. I am far from perfect I just have different values to you. :rolleyes:

You don't know me you only read the rubbish that I place on here and you are silly enough to think punctuation and spelling is the be all and end all of a short life.When you get to the age that I have the privilege to have arrived at nothing really matters anymore.When I wake in the morning and my elbows don't touch wood what else matters certainly not spelling and punctuation.Come on get real go and have a walk around Weston Park Hospital and see what is important.:P
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You don't know me you only read the rubbish that I place on here and you are silly enough to think punctuation and spelling is the be all and end all of a short life.When you get to the age that I have the privilege to have arrived at nothing really matters anymore.When I wake in the morning and my elbows don't touch wood what else matters certainly not spelling and punctuation.Come on get real go and have a walk around Weston Park Hospital and see what is important.:P


You don't know me either and yet you make presumptions about me. This is a fora you could be any age or gender. I assume that you are over 25 as you do not use 'text speak'. You openly admit to posting rubbish on here. At no point have I stated that punctuation and spelling is the be all and end all of anything let alone of a short life.


When you get to the age that I have the privilege to have arrived at nothing really matters anymore


You are quite right when you say that you post rubbish. The above makes no sense whatsoever. :rolleyes:


Come on get real go and have a walk around Weston Park Hospital and see what is important Ican assure you that I am very real, as I am unable to walk I cannot do what you suggest regarding Weston Park Hospital.


I find it bizarre that just because someone does not hold the same opinion as you you find them silly. Your prerogative of course as luckily we live in a relatively free country.

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You don't know me either and yet you make presumptions about me. This is a fora you could be any age or gender. I assume that you are over 25 as you do not use 'text speak'. You openly admit to posting rubbish on here. At no point have I stated that punctuation and spelling is the be all and end all of anything let alone of a short life.


When you get to the age that I have the privilege to have arrived at nothing really matters anymore


You are quite right when you say that you post rubbish. The above makes no sense whatsoever. :rolleyes:


Come on get real go and have a walk around Weston Park Hospital and see what is important Ican assure you that I am very real, as I am unable to walk I cannot do what you suggest regarding Weston Park Hospital.


I find it bizarre that just because someone does not hold the same opinion as you you find them silly. Your prerogative of course as luckily we live in a relatively free country.



Looks like tha's gorra soul mate Tup.

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Shouldn't that be "in so far as" :?



Err no:rolleyes: Insofar is an adverb. An adverb is a part of speech that modifies verbs or any part of speech other than a noun.


Adv. 1. insofar - to the degree or extent that; "insofar as it can be ascertained, the horse lung is comparable to that of man"; "so far as it is reasonably practical he ...

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I'm intolerant of television presenters shouting when they are supposed to be speaking. Maybe it's suppose to make the program exciting but I find it moronic.


I hate it when people put on posh accents when they are not posh (eg. Gloria Hunniford) and lapse in a and out of them. People calling 'houses' 'hizes' and 'pounds' 'pynds' and I've no idea why someone on TV pronounced cookery as 'cuckery'. It's also irritating listening to people who never pronounce the 'g' on the end of an infinitive (e.g. Matt whatever his name is from the One Show). Presenters who perform facial gymnastics bore me too, such as Myleeeeeene Klaaaaaaas.

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Another major cause of severe grumpyness is one of my present wifes favourite tv programs"The real housewives of New York".What a witches coven those women are a blokes worst nightmare,fatuous,childish,pig ignorant over priviledged bitches.There is only one of em married to someone their own age,the rest were or are hitched to men 70yrs old on their last legs rich of course.They all talk or screech at the same time mind you they are all lookers the only thing likeable about em!!:confused::hihi::hihi:

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