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Am I Intolerant Or Just Grumpy?

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I had to buy a new remote control for our TV,them talking rat adverts and them go compare insurance adverts drive me that crazy that I lobed the hand set at the TV, lucky it missed and hit the wall or I would have been forking our for a new TV as well, I just stick my fingers in my ears and shut my eyes now:D

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I find myself swearing and cursing increasingly audibly when shopping in the likes of Morrisons. There is seemingly a never ending stream of people in there who I could quite happily flatten with a baseball bat. And normally I'm such a gentle little soul.:hihi:


I firmly believe that supermarkets should be nuked in the middle of the day.


Them sodding wonga dummies are enough to make any one grumpy,I cant get to the remote quick enough sometimes.




Overdubbed, blatantly foreign adverts. That fat guy from the envirofone advert.

Ant & Dec, Reality TV, Fake ebonics, Chavs, Hugh Jackman, Sarah Cox and her stupid offspring she can't pronounce the name of, Jamie Oliver spitting in all the food he makes, people who stand too close to you in queues and tut in your ear. Cyclists with baby carriers, people who don't realise that the lights under the bumper on their cars are FOG LIGHTS. Illegal HID Kits. Priggish grammar trolls.


Phew! I guess I'm grumpy too!

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Another major cause of severe grumpyness is one of my present wifes favourite tv programs"The real housewives of New York".What a witches coven those women are a blokes worst nightmare,fatuous,childish,pig ignorant over priviledged bitches.There is only one of em married to someone their own age,the rest were or are hitched to men 70yrs old on their last legs rich of course.They all talk or screech at the same time mind you they are all lookers the only thing likeable about em!!:confused::hihi::hihi:


Maybe you should get a hobby. Allotment gardening, drinking, pigeons, something like that...

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Maybe you should get a hobby. Allotment gardening, drinking, pigeons, something like that...


I do all you say apart from the pigeons I just love to start a discussion for a laugh mostly I,m not grumpy really if you knew me you would realise!!:love::hihi::hihi:

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I hate bad grammar. You do know the difference between a comma and an apostrophe?


Would that work better if it was, "Do you know"?

As a slight aside; perhaps you should have added the appropriate examples in brackets and given examples showing the correct use of each in order to educate rather than rebuke.


Some. obviously not me, may consider you a shade overbearing, anal or pompous so I would like to assist you in order to avoid that terrible situation.

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