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Over 1 million youth unemployed, highest youth unemployment EVER!

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We have low paid and unskilled jobs already, Brits won't do them. I want uk workers doing skilled work not trying to compete with Chinese sweat shops for Chinese sweat shop money.

Do you notice the price of products coming down when East Europeans are employed?

Did you work in the east end of Sheffield in the antiquated factories?


My late Father a brass finisher and turner worked in a factory on Eyre Street up until the 70s where machinery was still 19th century overhead belt fed.


How can you compete with modern overseas factories in those conditions?

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British products and production were the envy of the world at a time when machinery and plant were modern, how can you compete against modern up to date firms overseas in antiquated out of date innefficient factories?


Uk factories, on the whole are big modern and effecient, they just don't employ the numbers they used to. Land river are investing millions and taking on more staff, including apprentices - how good us that ? Airbus are over here, alot of foreign owned car companies have invested and keep investing - our SKILLED workers do such a great job. Scaples - Sheffield produces something like 70% of the worlds supply. This is high end high quality highly skilled stuff. The Chinese, who produce more volume do it mostly on pittance wages, negligible safety (you wouldn't want to be a miner in china) in horrible factories.


We want the former, not the latter.

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Uk factories, on the whole are big modern and effecient, they just don't employ the numbers they used to. 1Land river are investing millions and taking on more staff, including apprentices - how good us that ? Airbus are over here, 2alot of foreign owned car companies have invested and keep investing - our SKILLED workers do such a great job. Scaples - Sheffield produces something like 70% of the worlds supply. This is high end high quality highly skilled stuff. The Chinese, who produce more volume do it mostly on pittance wages, negligible safety (you wouldn't want to be a miner in china) in horrible factories.


We want the former, not the latter.

My bold 1= I'm assuming you mean Land Rover who in the 50s had the most enviable lead in the world yet gave it all away through lack of reinvestment.


My bold2= and the profits from those companys goes overseas because our motor industry was outdated and once again stuck in the past, amazing that you still can't see why our motor industry failed and collapsed due to living in the past with antiquated designs and no developement.

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In the league of manufacturing output, UK comes 6th, so we do make some things.

But as manufacturing becomes more automated, and as work opportunities are outsourced to other nations, we have to bite the bullit and realise that full employment is a thing of the past, and find ways to deal with it.


My suggestion would be sharing out the work so everyone works part time. Initially it would create more problems than it solves, but there must be a way of working it out.


We have known for a long time that this problem was coming, we were learning about the 'leisure society' in the 70's. And lets fact it, not many people would resent working less hours. Also output would not be affected so theoretically the money made would be the same. Sharing it out to everyone's satisfaction would be the biggest stumbling block.


Solve that and you've cracked it...

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My bold 1= I'm assuming you mean Land Rover who in the 50s had the most enviable lead in the world yet gave it all away through lack of reinvestment.


My bold2= and the profits from those companys goes overseas because our motor industry was outdated and once again stuck in the past, amazing that you still can't see why our motor industry failed and collapsed due to living in the past with antiquated designs and no developement.


Ok, I give up we'll go with your plan and tax those who outsource and/or import.

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Newsnight. Once again spokesmen for the parties are arguing. They don't get it.


Youth unemployment rised markedly under Labour since 2004. It's accelerating under the Coalition. They're all responsible for the mess. They need to work together and agree how to tackle this issue......

Anybody else got any ideas instead of arguing?


Yes, Paxman regularly monsters people being interviewed via video link (particularly German and French MPs), yet lets our home grown variety get away with murder.


I can't believe the piffle most MPs spout, but do Labour really think their years of destruction will be so easily forgotten? The omnipresent Ed. Balls advising on economic policy is utterly laughable.


Re. the ongoing debate about 'unemployment among the 18-25 year olds'. How ageist is that? What about the older people who have probably trained, got qualified and have overheads such as mortgages?


The three things young job-seekers need to quickly realise are:


  • Job Centres, despite their name, are the very last port of call when seeking a job. They're just processing centres where some people are given grief, and a significant majority are left well alone. If the people who work in Job Centres knew how to go about getting a half-decent job, they'd get one themselves.
  • Ditto 'Job Fairs'. Simply stands taken up by people trying to make you sign up for their courses. Better than nothing, I suppose, but 'Job Fair' is a misnomer designed to mislead.
  • The CV. Heralded as the Holy Grail by charlatans such as A4e, Remploy, WiseAbility etc. - but only because it eats into your sentence with these people, and delays the day when they have to admit they've got nothing else for you to do to serve out your time. Apart from team-building. And making cupcakes. What use is a CV if it's badly laid out, contains grammatical errors (as most do) and has nothing of worth on it? Hobbies and interests will hardly persuade an employer to invest £1000s on your employment.
  • 'But I've applied for hundreds of jobs!' Not possible. A serious job application requires research and a blinkered determination. Suppose you've got a qualification in, say, driving a fork lift-truck (much beloved of A4e etc.). You probably think 'I know! I bet B & Q employ fork-lift drivers! I'll send them a copy of my CV!' But do you know who the relevant person to send it to is? Are they hiring? Does your application contain a request to be kept on file in case of future vacancies? Probably not. I'll bet most are sent to b&q.com and job done.
    While sending out hundreds of CVs might give some people the nice feeling of having 'done something', in effect, all that's been 'done' is wasting your time and theirs.
  • 'But I've applied for hundreds of jobs and they never get back to you!' Given the random, scatter-gun approach most people adopt, are you surprised? And don't you think businesses have got enough on their plate without spending hours each morning resonding to barely literate 'applications'?
  • And - sorry to young people - but if you've spent most of your education sat scowling at the back of the class, discouraging anyone who wanted to learn and gawping at your mobile, well you can use the word 'disenfranchised' all you want - you've blown your chance.


We've got an entire generation being called the 'lost generation'. Yeah, we see them every day 'walking' along, totally immersed in their mobiles and possessing that uniquely gormless expression that most of them have. Combine that with the idiotic patois many speak with and I think your chances at any interview are less than zero.


Also, to those who were persuaded that 'going to uni' would guarantee fame and fortune well, no. Numbers going on to uni has been used as a measure of success by poor schools and incompetent teachers. Most 'unis' are no more than rebranded polytechnics and colleges where everybody is invited to apply. The watering-down of their credibility should come as no surprise. Do you think a poor school suddenly becomes excellent by changing its name to 'Academy'?

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I think perhaps you're being a bit tough on youngsters grafik. Their hopes and aspirations have been artificially raised by rampant consumerism and ostentatious brash displays of wealth by their role models. We've had millions of families living like lottery winners with lifestyles fueled by unbelievable levels of personal debt.


None of it was real. Many of us cracking on a bit understand that. Young people won't. They do need to realise the magic money tree does not exist but they need to be brought down softly and supported. All the parties need to buy into this and get the youngsters training and working. They're our future and we can't afford to through millions of them on the scrapheap.

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I posted this on another thread but it has more relevance here:


I recently advertised for an IT Technician. Above average salary for the position, good hours, nothing too taxing, plenty of opportunity for on the job training. It was in the papers, council jobs website and job centre for 2 weeks across the NW.


How many applications did I get? 21.


How many ignored the instructions to fill in the application form and sent a CV? 12.


However, to give them a chance I read through them. How many of the CVs were badly written, formatted and contained irrelevant information? 12.


More importantly:


How many of these were under 25? One. And he got the job. He dressed smartly (one came in his overalls FFS), was keen and attentive and will be an asset to our organisation.

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In 2008 the UKBA stopped more than 28,000 attempts to cross UK borders. That figure alone, suggests we don't have an open border policy.

There's more information on the Home Office website, very interesting reading.


Have you seen the news this week? How do you explain one million illegals? One in sixty five of us, no wonder so many kids cannot get work. It's insane.

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