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Keep cats off my car!


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bit hard to do it again when it paid for it's mistake with it's life :confused:




Well, yes in a way you are right.


It does pay to learn, and some lessons are more painful than others.


I had a similar experience in Morrisons, when I tried to pay for my goods with my saver stamps, I didn't realise that I had to fill out the form and so I had to fill in the saver stamps thing with half a dozen angry people glaring at me.


I won't do that again, in the same way the cat won't do this again.


Learning can be painful at times

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Have you tried getting a sense of perspective and stop worrying about something so trivial?

There's nothing remotely trivial about having your car's paint damaged while it sits in your own driveway, or the expense in having it repaired. It's not unreasonable to expect to be able to leave a vehicle on your own property without it being damaged by a neighbour's pest.


There are about four cats that prowl around our driveway and garden despite having had several experiences which made it clear that they are not wanted. Thankfully they've never sat on the cars. If they did I'd have to lure them with food and then ensure they'd never return to do it again.

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There's nothing remotely trivial about having your car's paint damaged while it sits in your own driveway, or the expense in having it repaired. It's not unreasonable to expect to be able to leave a vehicle on your own property without it being damaged by a neighbour's pest.


There are about four cats that prowl around our driveway and garden despite having had several experiences which made it clear that they are not wanted. Thankfully they've never sat on the cars. If they did I'd have to lure them with food and then ensure they'd never return to do it again.


Are posessions that important that you'd resort to the destruction of an animal, is that the implication here?

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Are posessions that important that you'd resort to the destruction of an animal, is that the implication here?


Yes that's what it looks like Murphy and I'll tell anybody on here if anybody harmed my much loved cat they would be sorry, I make a good friend but a lousy enemy. In my experience and I've had five cats but now sadly only got one (and I had them all for 15 plus years) that if cat's jump short distances they very rarely put their claws out

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My cats started doing this on my car, I only know because theres muddy prints. Could be a neighbours cat but hey ho. I'd just put a towel or something over it if I were you, although this could just attract more as its a lot comfier!

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Thanks all for suggestions! I understand that there are far more pressing matters in the world today, but I'm just after a few suggestions that's all.

I can't put the car in the garage I'm afraid and the car is a lease car, so when I give it back they will inspect it and, obviously, if I can see scratches then I'm sure they will.

I'm sure it will be easy enough for me to remove them but I just want to keep the sods off. Most mornings I'm greeted to muddy paw prints on the bonnet, windscreen and roof.

I'm gonna try the pepper option I think. Our living space is at the back of the house so I don't get a view of the driveway unless I go to the front so water pistols are out unless I want to camp out in one of the upstairs bedrooms.

We are slowly getting on top of the problem we had when we first moved in, which is neighours cats using our garden as a toilet. The missus is a keen gardener so not very pleasant. For all those cat owners who say that their precious cats bury their c**p should have taken a look at our garden...I often wondered how the neighbours would feel if I scooped it up and laid it in their borders...

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We share this planet with a plethora of different fauna and should never assume that we have the first dibs on every square inch of it. Use a squirty bottle of water on the cat a couple of times and it will deter it.


Its like when folk complain about animals poo-ing in their garden. Garden boundaries are human inventions of which animals can have no concept. Cats, birds, frogs, worms.........all poo in your garden.....its nature, deal with it.

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