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EDL Admits Racist Motivation

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Here's the text from the (alleged) statement - perhaps the EDL supporters amongst us could point out the parts they disagree with?


In the last 66 years we as a nation, as a race have had our national identity stolen from us by politicians who have forced us to accept multiculturalism. They have and still are practicing cultural genocide on their own people, despite warnings that we will not accept it. They have forced us to accept the dilution of our heritage and history by the implementation of laws which will stop us from rising up, even if that’s just to voice an opinion.


Any action which has the aim or effect of depriving us of our integrity as distinct peoples, or of our cultural values or ethnic identities. Any form of population transfer which has the aim or effect of violating or undermining any of the rights of the native or indigenous people. Any form of assimilation or integration by other cultures or ways of life imposed on us by legislative, administrative or other measures is cultural genocide.


And unless we find our backbone and stand up to the ones who are committing crimes against the English people we shall continue to be subjected to slavery by a British elite aided by outside influences whose only intention is to destroy us from within and wipe us out as a race.


No one has to say anything as its unsubstantiated. There is no proof this either came from the EDL or even ever existed on the EDL's facebook page.


The EDL's facebook page says the follow right now:


"Peacefully protesting against militant Islam"

"Protecting And Promoting Human Rights"


As its on facebook it must be true according to your logic.

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There's nothing false about the fact that the EDL are a racist organisation.


I'm sure anyone could start a thread entitled "The EDL are Racist" and provide bucket loads of evidence to back it up. But that's not what the thread title was or what the OP provided.

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Having repeatedly claimed not to be motived by race, the EDL have finally admitted that it IS their key concern.


Details are provided below - a statement was posted on their official facebook page, by the page owner and it couldn't be clearer. Race and racial purity is at the heart of their cause.





That's rather different from their bogus claim to be only opposed to extremist Islam isn't it?


I look forward to the halfwitted attempts by their cheerleaders on this site to try and wriggle out of this.....


Just out of curiosity which part of the statement is racist, which part could be classed as discrimination based on race?

If they only apposed Muslim immigration that would be racists, but if they oppose all immigration there would be no discrimination of a particular race so it wouldn’t be racist.

They appear to be attacking government policy and not any particular race.

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No one has to say anything as its unsubstantiated. There is no proof this either came from the EDL or even ever existed on the EDL's facebook page.


The EDL's facebook page says the follow right now:


"Peacefully protesting against militant Islam"

"Protecting And Promoting Human Rights"


As its on facebook it must be true according to your logic.


True...and true.

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Its their official page


But its not there and the only evidence we have is a screenshot that could well have been faked as be real.


What ever happened to "innocent until proven guilty"?


This is not being reported by any news agency and its only occurrence is on a blog.

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Peacefully protesting against militant Islam

Protecting And Promoting Human Rights


Neither of which it does. Peaceful protesting? In that case then I am Allah.:roll: As for promoting human rights, what a joke. What about the basic huiman right of people to follow their religion and go down to their local mosque or go about their daily business without harassment and racist abuse? Is that not a basic and very fundamental human right? Who do these people think they're duping?

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If I'm honest, I don't see that statement proving anything about racist motivations. It simply states that they want the indigenous English to stand up for their rights against the threat of mass immigration. I have no problem with immigration, but right now, look at the problems it is causing the country. 1 million youths unemployed due to jobs being given to foreign workers.

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