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Are Wicca and witchcraft evil?

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Wicca, witchcraft (the word a founding Wiccan in the 60's called it) or the occult - is it connected to, or itself, 'evil'? And why are such "religions" saying they are harmless?


I used to think that such things are harmless, perhaps even the 'invention' of Hollywood. I'm no church goer, nor Christian, but this type of pagan ritualism which involves contacting or stirring up spirits- some of which may not even be human- must be spiritually dangerous, in the same way Ouija boards etc are?


We don't really understand what we humans are, or what /if spirit/soul exists, or what/if more powerful and 'evil' spirits are, so why mess with something so unknown?


Making marked circles, chanting old rituals, lighting candles and contacting spirits, many of whom are malevolent to humans, is surely a dangerous branch of "devil worship" by another name?


Or is it a form of showing off and trying to shock people?

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Wicca and witch craft dont have to, and dont always go.hand.in hand, you can have one without the other!! Its a common misconception that all Wiccans are into witch craft.


The Wicca teachings are much more about earth science, Mother earth and that all things are connected, like how the Naavi from Avatar live..


Yes its true there were lots of Wican witches, but this is because they believed that if they followed Wicca, and knew how things were connected they would be more powerful etc..


You get witches in every religion!!

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Making marked circles, chanting old rituals, lighting candles and contacting spirits, many of whom are malevolent to humans, is surely a dangerous branch of "devil worship" by another name?


This sounds like some of the actions of most Judaic sects, Christianity, Judaism, Islam, etc., especially given that their gods are mostly malevolent to humans anyway.

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The only way in which ouija boards are 'dangerous' - and that's a stretch - is the way in which their use has the potential to bugger about with the minds of those who are susceptible through the belief that demons exist and can communicate via letters on a wooden board. There's a perfectly reasonable explanation for any movement observed during its use; you can even find a step by step guide in this book.


We do understand what humans are, and there's absolutely no evidence to support the notion that the soul exists as anything other than a metaphorical concept.


If some folk want to indulge their Willow fantasies, let them get on with it.

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Wicca, witchcraft (the word a founding Wiccan in the 60's called it) or the occult - is it connected to, or itself, 'evil'? And why are such "religions" saying they are harmless?


I used to think that such things are harmless, perhaps even the 'invention' of Hollywood. I'm no church goer, nor Christian, but this type of pagan ritualism which involves contacting or stirring up spirits- some of which may not even be human- must be spiritually dangerous, in the same way Ouija boards etc are?

You mean the Ouija boards that were designed and sold as a children's game? Yeah really sinister!


We don't really understand what we humans are, or what /if spirit/soul exists, or what/if more powerful and 'evil' spirits are, so why mess with something so unknown?
We do understand what humans are, we are intelligent biped primates, who have evolved over a period of billions of years from earlier life-forms, just like any other animal on earth.


At one time it was thought that man was different to the other animals, that we were special, created by god, and the soul is what separates us from the animals. Now that we know that we are not separate from the animals, but are in fact animals ourselves, it just doesn't make sense.


I find it very hard to understand how the notion of a 'soul' or 'spirit' can possibly survive in a post-theory of evoution world, it makes no sense at all.


Making marked circles, chanting old rituals, lighting candles and contacting spirits, many of whom are malevolent to humans, is surely a dangerous branch of "devil worship" by another name?
Is it really any less bizarre and silly than the idea that a jewish zombie can save your soul or that an illiterate warlord ascended to heaven on a winged horse?
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My daughter practices Wicca and if it were devil worship of any sort I would have a problem with it since I an a Christian. What she believes encompasses more than anything a great respect for the living world be it plant or animal...e.g. if she wants to cut a branch off a tree she would ask the tree for the branch first.

Most Wiccans do not cast spells or anything like that...it is more about being responsible for your own destiny.

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My daughter practices Wicca and if it were devil worship of any sort I would have a problem with it since I an a Christian.


In the eyes of Christianity, any other religion - any religion of any kind whatsoever - is created by Satan in order to deceive and ensnare people and prevent them from worshipping Jesus.

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No Jimmy, we don't know much about even the human psyche (Einstein said c.10%) let alone the soul, or human spirit.


I understand people's need to defend something they want to believe in, but mockery only weakens your 'case'.


Sorry for angering you by daring to post about something you refuse to allow being concrete, but some of us think that dabbling, or interfering with something/s, that is not proven science either way, could (operative word) be dangerous.

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