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Are Wicca and witchcraft evil?

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I would go as far as Jimmy and say all religions are wrong, or made-up etc, but there's certainly no reason I would believe any of them.

If we can put all the bickering aside, would either Grayface or Rainbow mind sharing WHY they believe what they believe? As in, a specific, definitive factor that convinces you to believe in your faith?


in bold, and in short then its a no, why should i? I do mind, ive offered various sources and links in this thread to them being subject to mockery, i cant speak for RA, thats up to her.without sounding arsy,im not going to embark on WHY to be then subject to ridicule, i may aswell have said i worship a flying teapot, not that i worship or pray to anything in the first place , i find the old religion as my path i follow, not a faith as such,if anyones interested in the old ways its on the www and good books by reputable authors.



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in bold, and in short then its a no, why should i? I do mind, ive offered various sources and links in this thread to them being subject to mockery, i cant speak for RA, thats up to her.without sounding arsy,im not going to embark on WHY to be then subject to ridicule, i may aswell have said i worship a flying teapot, not that i worship or pray to anything in the first place , i find the old religion as my path i follow, not a faith as such,if anyones interested in the old ways its on the www and good books by reputable authors.




GAAAAHHHH! No! Crucial Typo, I meant WOULDN'T go as far as Jimmy!!!


By this I mean I can't say religions are wrong, because I don't KNOW this. But at the same time I have absolutely no reason to believe in any of them, which is why I asked if you'd mind sharing any of your reasons. Fair enough if you don't want to, I always ask this of anyone with any religion in the hope of having some light shed on it.


EDIT: No-one ever has shared any of their reasons

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oh be quiet, head and sphincter spring to mind with ALL of your posts any thread any topic
Yet more personal insults, great.

you display your arrogance on how **** sure on how you are right but provide no evidence to support your claims either
I don't need to provide any evidence, I am not making a claim. I am merely denying your claim that your religion is ancient. It is up to you to provide evidence.

i shall discuss this matter with you no futher
Then your mind is closed.
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Yet more personal insults, great.


Grow up


I don't need to provide any evidence, I am not making a claim. I am merely denying your claim that your religion is ancient. It is up to you to provide evidence.

yes you do, you canT disprove what i claim, you claim to disprove it, SO YES!! YOU DO:loopy:


Then your mind is closed.


POT KETTLE LOL and heres a spoon for your own medicine, goodbye


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Grow up
Coming from the person using the dreaded ALL CAPS and personal insults, and constantly threatening to take their ball home I think I'll take that with a grain of salt.


yes you do, you canT disprove what i claim, you claim to disprove it, SO YES!! YOU DO:loopy:
No, you really don't seem to get it. That which is submitted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. You have claimed something without presenting any evidence, therefore I need none to dismiss that claim. It is up to you to provide evidence to prove yourself right, not for me to prove you wrong. Also, there's really no need to shout.


No, not really. I am completely open to the possibility that you are right, I just need convincing. Show me evidence, and I will change my mind.
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I don't understand the slanging match with Greyface and Rainbow. The OP asked is Wicca and Witchcraft evil? How they arrive at their beliefs is their concern. They don't have to explain all the inns and outs of it.


Is Wicca / Witchcraft evil? NO. It's just not my 'bag' simples!

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I don't understand the slanging match with Greyface and Rainbow. The OP asked is Wicca and Witchcraft evil? How they arrive at their beliefs is their concern. They don't have to explain all the inns and outs of it.


Is Wicca / Witchcraft evil? NO. It's just not my 'bag' simples!


i dont understand it either Pete :( some people just cant help either causing offence or trying to belittle folks. i dont think i need to explain or justify myself to people that arnt really interested anyway they just want more material to rip to shreds.


(Wicca isnt my bag either) :D





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