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Are Wicca and witchcraft evil?

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Things that only exist in people's imaginations will take on the subjective values which individuals put on them.


For example, some people in Nigeria believe that children can be possessed by demons and become witches. These children are then persecuted, sometimes being killed and often driven out of the community and shunned.


Are these children evil, or are the people who believe these things suffering from a collective delusion rooted in 'belief'?


People believe all kinds of crazy thyings. The common denominator in these beliefs is that everyone thinks their own belief is objective reality.


I can't fix your Nigerian witch ... but I can cure your stye.


Every time. Guaranteed

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If I get one I'll let you know, unless I get one in the next couple of days, in which case I'll become quite worried, and very suspicious. :suspect:


When you get one, let me know ... and I'll send Greyface around to fix it.


Or you could PM me and I'll tell you ... it's not magic.


Just 'old knowledge' ;)


I won't tell you early, because if you forget and get one of the important bits of the spell wrong ... well, I'd hate to have your willy drop off :hihi::hihi:


Or grow warts....

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Satan is a christian concept, witches and pagans do not believe in him/her/it.

im a witch and i believe in jesus, i believe he was real and the dude was around 2000 ys ago. paganism and the craft has been around 1000s+ of years before this.


Not in its current form though, the Wicca and witchcraft of today has practically nothing to do with the pre Christian european religions.

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