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Are Wicca and witchcraft evil?

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Oh dear. Silence is golden. I must be too well informed. Ah well.


I don't have anything against witches perse. I just think that in this day and age the secrecy and oathes belong in the distant past. It's the secrecy that makes people 'think' witches are evil. (Getting back on topic). Knowing all I do, I just know it's not for me. I've read extensively on the subject and I personally believe it's all twaddle! But that's just me.

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No Jimmy, we don't know much about even the human psyche (Einstein said c.10%) let alone the soul, or human spirit.


I understand people's need to defend something they want to believe in, but mockery only weakens your 'case'.


Sorry for angering you by daring to post about something you refuse to allow being concrete, but some of us think that dabbling, or interfering with something/s, that is not proven science either way, could (operative word) be dangerous.


Excellent post, and agree 100%. Some people come across as being very ignorant and not wanting to look outside their "box". Understanding is the key.


Mockery certainly does weaken their case!


:) x

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Excellent post, and agree 100%. Some people come across as being very ignorant and not wanting to look outside their "box". Understanding is the key.


Mockery certainly does weaken their case!


In what way do you think it does that?


As I see it it doesn't at all, that's just something people who have been mocked say to make themselves feel better.


The mockery is outside my case, it doesn't impact on it at all in any way.


aelfheah said that 'we don't even understand what we humans are' which is false, we understand perfectly well what humans are. Then they went on to move the goalposts and changed their stance to 'we don't fully understand the human psyche' (followed by a ridiculous fallacious attempt to latch onto Einstein's authority) which I wouldn't disagree with, but it's not the same as the claim I was disputing. The fact that he/she either couldn't understand that or deliberately ignored the distinction meant that they also missed the substance of my argument. Which was that no-one has successfully been able to reconcile the concept of a 'soul' with the fact that we are just animals, who have evolved over the course of billions of years just like every other animal.

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Excellent post, and agree 100%. Some people come across as being very ignorant and not wanting to look outside their "box". Understanding is the key.


Mockery certainly does weaken their case!


:) x




Superstition based fear is not 'thinking outside the box.' A hundred years ago nearly everyone was doing it. The people who pushed on our understanding of the world around as are generally acknowledged to be the ones who could see beyond the superstition.


If Darwin and the other 'evolutionists' had feared the accepted superstitons surrounding the unknown world, we would still be thinking the world is about 5,000 years old, as to state otherwiose was to risk the wrath of 'the almighty.'

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For reasons i won't elaborate on i spend quite a bit of time around "pagan" types and i can assure you i'd rather be in their company over your average joe any day.

Very giving and genuine people with a wonderful mindset.




Do they cast spells?

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Things that only exist in people's imaginations will take on the subjective values which individuals put on them.


For example, some people in Nigeria believe that children can be possessed by demons and become witches. These children are then persecuted, sometimes being killed and often driven out of the community and shunned.


Are these children evil, or are the people who believe these things suffering from a collective delusion rooted in 'belief'?


People believe all kinds of crazy thyings. The common denominator in these beliefs is that everyone thinks their own belief is objective reality.


I would say the people who believe these kiddies are "Possessed" are at best deluded, and at worst, evil, themselves.

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Please understand the burden of proof. It is on you, not me.


You are the one who is claiming that your religion is a continuation of ancient pre-christian religions.


I am denying this claim, not making one of my own.


As such it is up to you to demonstrate that your claim is true.


And oaths of secrecy? seriously? How quaint! This just gets better and better! :hihi:


My father is in the Buffs (RAOB- The Royal Antediluvian Order Of The Buffaloes) that, like the Masons, is a secret society. My father had to swear an oath of secrecy not to divulge the "secrets" of the group.

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Why is it that when people cast a spell (basically a wish) and light candles, burn incense, say a little chant, ask the universe's help ect... Its called mumbo jumbo


But when folks go to church light a candle , smell the frankensence burning, pray and ask gods help ... Its excepted as quite normal ?


I dont go in for the wiccan way, all the ceramonial palaver isnt my cup of tea. Being skyclad and all the business of the great rite just doesnt float my boat and personaly i dont believe for 1 minute thats the true Witches way.

To me Witchcraft is a way of life , growing herbs to be either used for magical or medicinal uses. Using crystals for their many different energies. Working with the seasons and nature. Being responsible for your own actions knowing that the laws off attraction will bring you what ever it is you give out.

There is much more to but thats for those that are interested to go and find out themselves.


People need to stop being so judgemental and in some cases down right rude. Live and let live dont knock what you dont understand go and read up a little about it, dont bully the person try speaking to them judge for yourself what they are like.


Blessings and love



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The Bible is a book which like the Koran is open to interpretation.


The Bible, like the Koran is open to ridicule. The atheist RE teacher of my boy was telling him today that Jesus performed miracles, presumably because this is required in some perverse nationalistic educational way?

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