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US preparing for war with China?

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As wildly exciting as reading about American and British supermarkets isn't, I thought I'd offer some more recent news stories that are actually relevant to the thread title:


BBC news; Obama stirs up China's sea of troubles:



China warns US on territory disputes:



I don't know whether this is all leading towards a conflict, but I seriously hope not.


Perhaps our American friends here won't even notice if it does...by the sounds of it they'll be too dazzled by the bright lights of shopping malls and supermarkets...that is until the shelves start to empty of course...then there'll be riots.

Yours will empty long before ours do. So think about what you're saying. You grow very little in relation to your population. A few Uboats were nearly enough to starve us during the war. America and Canada don't have that problem.
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Cavegirl, I don't mean to sound so superficial. Shopping at Costco, or shopping the way we yanks do I know isn't what people in the UK do. Sure there are those that go crazy and overspend. But generally, we go to Costco about once every six weeks. The quantities are large; 12 packs of paper towels, 10 packs of albacore tuna, etc. The idea is to buy in bulk so that the price per item is lower, and for non perishable items, you won't need to buy it again for awhile. So you save time and money. Some items can be frozen , but I might go once every 10 days and just get milk, eggs, fresh fish, butter, cheese or bread if I'm out that way. They have sales and coupons and some items they may have on special because they're seasonal. We can get contact lens solution, vitamins and over the counter meds. They also have a pharmacy where members can get good discounts on prescription medications and eyeglasses. They offer discounts on new cars, home and auto insurance, all manner of electronics, office supplies, furniture, and their return policy is the best anywhere. I believe they even sell caskets! I once mentioned to an employee that I'd bought a set of cookware the year before and wasn't entirely happy with it. He told me to return it, I did and got a full refund. I couldn't believe it. They also offer different levels of membership, and many small businesses take advantage of this and get office supplies and check printing at steep discounts.


It is very easy to get carried away, and dazzled by the good deals, so you have to be selective and only buy what you know your family will use/eat/wear. It's not a bargain if it rots or goes to waste. I have an elderly neighbor and we frequently will split items and I take her there to get her meds because the price is cheaper than at the local pharmacy. I also used to do this with a girlfriend when our children were small. We split the cost and bought diapers and wipes in bulk.


andygardner made an astute observation upthread. Go back and read what he wrote. We aren't going to repay China. No one repays money they owe here. The attitude is, you can't squeeze blood from a turnip. Peter Schiff The Chinese are far from dumb. What they plan to do about it, I sure don't know. Let 'em bluster and threaten. They don't play by the rules. Surprise! We don't either. The comments that follow the video are a little out there, but I thought the video was just too funny not to share. If you could see how some people walk from their debts and mortgages and they sound just like Peter Schiff. Only he's joking somewhat and they're not! They really feel they shouldn't have to pay it back.


P.S. Harleyman, try the Latte Freeze at the Food Court. It's not traditional hot coffee, but it's half the price of Starbucks, twice as big and just as good. Maybe better.


Thanks Sierra. I'll be sure to


As for the shopping you hit the nail on the head. We dont bother running to the stores every week to buy a bit here and a bit there. Buy a lot at once, save money and enjoy the free time. That's the American way.


We use the American Express card Costco give us and pay the whole lot off at once when the bill arrives. At th end of the year American Express send us a check for 250 dollars for using the card

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Thanks Sierra. I'll be sure to


As for the shopping you hit the nail on the head. We dont bother running to the stores every week to buy a bit here and a bit there. Buy a lot at once, save money and enjoy the free time. That's the American way.


We use the American Express card Costco give us and pay the whole lot off at once when the bill arrives. At th end of the year American Express send us a check for 250 dollars for using the card


Whoa! $250!! Wow. We get a little less than $100 from American Express, but I'll take it. I read somewhere that Costco makes no money on the actual prices of merchandise, which I can believe. Their profit comes from the membership fees. But I do love that store. I've never seen a return policy like theirs. We even returned a mattress we'd had for a year, we had the receipt and it was undamaged (their requirements) but I was astounded.


I think their Mocha freeze is just the Latte freeze with chocolate syrup. I'm not big on coffee drinks but I know those things are popular, especially in the summer, they sell a lot of them.


And for those who make it to our side of the pond. Anyone can eat at the Costco Food Court. You don't need to be a member. I always see nearby office workers, construction workers, etc. when I go there. You can also call ahead and order food and they'll have it ready at the pick-up window. They sell whole pizzas for $10. And I'm talking the diameter of a car tire. Tons of pizza. :hihi:

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Whoa! $250!! Wow. We get a little less than $100 from American Express, but I'll take it. I read somewhere that Costco makes no money on the actual prices of merchandise, which I can believe. Their profit comes from the membership fees. But I do love that store. I've never seen a return policy like theirs. We even returned a mattress we'd had for a year, we had the receipt and it was undamaged (their requirements) but I was astounded. I think their Mocha freeze is just the Latte freeze with chocolate syrup. I'm not big on coffee drinks but I know those things are popular, especially in the summer, they sell a lot of them.


And for those who make it to our side of the pond. Anyone can eat at the Costco Food Court. You don't need to be a member. I always see nearby office workers, construction workers, etc. when I go there. You can also call ahead and order food and they'll have it ready at the pick-up window. They sell whole pizzas for $10. And I'm talking the diameter of a car tire. Tons of pizza. :hihi:


In the Costco at Sheffield you dont need a receipt to return something, they can see on the system by typing in your customer number if you bought the item from there, and when.

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In the Costco at Sheffield you dont need a receipt to return something, they can see on the system by typing in your customer number if you bought the item from there, and when.


Well, you don't need it here either, but the people who work there like it when you do. So I try to have it. They're always so happy when you say, "wait! I have the receipt!" Also, with the receipt, you can return something no matter how long you've had it. Without the receipt, it's deleted from their system after so long and you're out of luck.


I'd love to visit the Costco in Sheffield, just to see the different stuff they have! Are the warehouses as big? You guys must think we're terrible gluttons. I guess we are. I have to say, the UK Costco website is terrible. And no jewelry department! But I do love the way they spell Tyre Centre and Photo Centre. :hihi:


No one's going to war. The Chinese need us to keep buying their stuff and we can't afford it. There.

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I hope it doesn't come to War, I don't think the Chinese can afford it.


China has both the wealth and the man power to afford a slight loss of both - The US will never try to have a war with them though, on account the US has to be on it's best behaviour with China now and possibly forever as China 'owns' America on account of them bailing the US out financially in a huge way...

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Well, you don't need it here either, but the people who work there like it when you do. So I try to have it. They're always so happy when you say, "wait! I have the receipt!" Also, with the receipt, you can return something no matter how long you've had it. Without the receipt, it's deleted from their system after so long and you're out of luck.


I'd love to visit the Costco in Sheffield, just to see the different stuff they have! Are the warehouses as big? You guys must think we're terrible gluttons. I guess we are. I have to say, the UK Costco website is terrible. And no jewelry department! But I do love the way they spell Tyre Centre and Photo Centre. :hihi:


No one's going to war. The Chinese need us to keep buying their stuff and we can't afford it. There.


Why are 'tyre centre and photo centre' funny? Wouldn't it be more peculiar for a store the size of costco to misspell words? I hate to see companies using bad spelling - makes them look as though they employ numpties...

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