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US preparing for war with China?

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american troops to stay in afghanistan till 2024 apprently.


There have been 2,500 attacks of violence against Afghan women by Afghan men in the last six months.

One example dealt with the case of a young single woman who was raped by the husband of her cousin. She became pregnant and gave birth to a girl. Incredible and unbelievable as it sounds this young woman is now serving 12 years in an Afghan jail. Why?? Because in the eyes of Afghan "justice" her out of wedlock pregnancy disgraced her community. Her future at this time looks very uncertain. She may be forced to marry the rapist or should she refuse to do so face execution.

Apparently even after all these years Afghan "justice" is still a barbaric and despicable as it was under the Taleban.

I dont know why we waste anymore time on that country. I think the best solution would be for the UN and the rest of the world to get together and organize the greatest act of humanity in modern times. All single Afghan women under the age of 25 should be given residence visas and allowed to settle in a western or other country of their choosing. With time and patience and some expenditures coupled with their youth they would eventually be able to adapt to their new countries without much problem.


As for the Afghan "men" and I use that word loosely they should just be left in their stinking country with nothing but goats and sheep to fornicate with :D

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Ah - I see! I am always amazed how odd 'US English' is when I use microsoft! When spoken, some words are mispronounced too - like aluminimum... I have to say I have never been to the US, and don't watch US TV/films, as I don't get the references etc, so stick to european entertainment... Whenever I do hear or see American English it always amazes me though...


Guess you don't speak with a good old Sheffield accent then :hihi:

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I know, it's hilarious! Think of that site...is it Engrish.com? It's like that. :hihi:


We rented The Long Good Friday and had to watch it with the subtitles on. Between Bob Hoskins' Cockney slang and the accents....




I was watching a movie once called "Train Spotting" about Scottish kids and drugs. I could not honestly understand a word some of them said and here's me born and bred in Britain.


Wouldn't it be hilarious if you could watch a kid from Glasgow talking with another kid from deepest Mississippi? :hihi:


The Long Good Friday for me was easy to understand but you have to know what the slang means

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We are yanks. We wouldn't know real Olde English if it came up and bit us. In the same way that I've seen T-shirts and "American" items sold in tourist areas that are as far from the real thing as you could get. It's close enough, and the potential customers won't know the difference. It's what we think ye olde english looks like.




Thatched cottages, oak beamed rooms, rosy cheeked little old ladies serving tea and crumpets, old gents wearing Harris Tweed suits out for an evening walk with the sheepdog :)

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Yes, China does not care a fig who buys their product, as long as they do and they buy loads! Europe will do, the middle east, japan... America is in debt to them though - and they're not a country or a people to be in debt to... America will never be on top again now, but every empire falls when a new one rises - even England were up there once, you know! Rome, Egypt - Now it'll be a bun fight between China and India, but China has a bit of a head start, so they'll probably be in the driving seat...


Can you think of another consumer driven culture like America that will buy all the goods that China is making, if you think that Europe and the Middle East will you're clutching at straws.


America will return, as they did after the depression, they just need to remember that the wealth has to be spread through their society so people will regain their spending power, it's no good the wealth being held by the richest in society, it has to spent.

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Can you think of another consumer driven culture like America that will buy all the goods that China is making, if you think that Europe and the Middle East will you're clutching at straws.


America will return, as they did after the depression, they just need to remember that the wealth has to be spread through their society so people will regain their spending power, it's no good the wealth being held by the richest in society, it has to spent.


At the moment we have a Congress that cannot work together. The latest public approval rating is around 8 percent which as some wit remarked was even lower than the percentage of Americans who are in favour of polygamy

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At the moment we have a Congress that cannot work together. The latest public approval rating is around 8 percent which as some wit remarked was even lower than the percentage of Americans who are in favour of polygamy


There is a serious lack of leadership in the US, not just at the highest levels within the Government. From this side of the pond it seems that the GOP will happily destroy the country if it meant they may gain power.

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There is a serious lack of leadership in the US, not just at the highest levels within the Government. From this side of the pond it seems that the GOP will happily destroy the country if it meant they may gain power.



Some time ago a Committee of 12 was formed (6 Democrats and 6 Republicans) who were tasked with finding solutions to the deficit. It was doomed to failure from the start. The Republicans steadfastly refuse to raise taxes on the wealthy 2 percent and that was one of the main stumbling blocks. The deadline to reach an agreement has passed and now this means that drastic cuts across the board will automatically take effect in Januray 2013. This could affect everything from Medicare to defence spending which will greatly impact the armed forces.

The Republicans yesterday attempted to bypass these spending cuts by exempting the military but Obama stated he would automaticaaly veto any attempt to do so and this sticks the Repulicans in the corner as large defence budgets are one of their pet agendas.


Obama may go down in 2012 but I think he'll take the likes of Republican House Speaker John Boehner and a lot of Republican members of Congress with him and quite a few Democrats as well.


I dont say that all the failure of government leadership lies with the Republicans but they've played the obstructionist game with the White House ever since members of the Tea Party gained seats in Congress.


Sarah Palin openly stated the Tea Party agenda "to make sure Obama was a one term president". That agenda obviously eliminated any prospect of both parties and the administration of working together on anything.


It's sad to see. The Republicans weren't always that way. The only consolation I think the voters will have is voting on a giant political spring cleaning in Washington next year

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Some time ago a Committee of 12 was formed (6 Democrats and 6 Republicans) who were tasked with finding solutions to the deficit. It was doomed to failure from the start. The Republicans steadfastly refuse to raise taxes on the wealthy 2 percent and that was one of the main stumbling blocks. The deadline to reach an agreement has passed and now this means that drastic cuts across the board will automatically take effect in Januray 2013. This could affect everything from Medicare to defence spending which will greatly impact the armed forces.

The Republicans yesterday attempted to bypass these spending cuts by exempting the military but Obama stated he would automaticaaly veto any attempt to do so and this sticks the Repulicans in the corner as large defence budgets are one of their pet agendas.


Obama may go down in 2012 but I think he'll take the likes of Republican House Speaker John Boehner and a lot of Republican members of Congress with him and quite a few Democrats as well.


I dont say that all the failure of government leadership lies with the Republicans but they've played the obstructionist game with the White House ever since members of the Tea Party gained seats in Congress.


Sarah Palin openly stated the Tea Party agenda "to make sure Obama was a one term president". That agenda obviously eliminated any prospect of both parties and the administration of working together on anything.


It's sad to see. The Republicans weren't always that way. The only consolation I think the voters will have is voting on a giant political spring cleaning in Washington next year


That's a good sumation of the problems you face. It's also a good sumation of the reason that previously pro-american Brits like me no longer look at america as a leader.

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There have been 2,500 attacks of violence against Afghan women by Afghan men in the last six months.

One example dealt with the case of a young single woman who was raped by the husband of her cousin. She became pregnant and gave birth to a girl. Incredible and unbelievable as it sounds this young woman is now serving 12 years in an Afghan jail. Why?? Because in the eyes of Afghan "justice" her out of wedlock pregnancy disgraced her community. Her future at this time looks very uncertain. She may be forced to marry the rapist or should she refuse to do so face execution.

Apparently even after all these years Afghan "justice" is still a barbaric and despicable as it was under the Taleban.

I dont know why we waste anymore time on that country. I think the best solution would be for the UN and the rest of the world to get together and organize the greatest act of humanity in modern times. All single Afghan women under the age of 25 should be given residence visas and allowed to settle in a western or other country of their choosing. With time and patience and some expenditures coupled with their youth they would eventually be able to adapt to their new countries without much problem.


As for the Afghan "men" and I use that word loosely they should just be left in their stinking country with nothing but goats and sheep to fornicate with :D


The troops will help karzai keep his job as mayor of kabul for that period :)

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