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US preparing for war with China?

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Yup, I do. It's actually kind of interesting. There are words used by the British colonists that survived in America, but not in England. The regional differences, too. It's always amazed me that such a small place as England can have so many accents.


I've always wondered, when you see UK actors putting on bad US accents in TV shows, like The Wire (which is pretty much full of UK actors) don't you sit there with your fingers in your ears going 'ugh! that's not the right accent, they're going through Florida to get to Boston with those vowels!' like we do in the UK when we hear US actors trying to do a UK accent? It can ruin a whole programme/film when you get someone with a bad accent... But then like you say there are loads of very different accents even within a few miles... Chesterfield is about 15 miles from Sheffield, but they have a very different accent and different slang and terms of endearment too... I was unhappy to see Sean Bean play Mellors when BBC did Lady Chatterley years back! There's only about 60 miles between Nottingham and Sheffield, but he only plays Sheffield as doesn't even attempt accents...

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Can you think of another consumer driven culture like America that will buy all the goods that China is making, if you think that Europe and the Middle East will you're clutching at straws.


America will return, as they did after the depression, they just need to remember that the wealth has to be spread through their society so people will regain their spending power, it's no good the wealth being held by the richest in society, it has to spent.


America is over in the sense that they have been a leading power for the last 100+ years... It may be India and not China that rise, but China are somewhat ahead, especially with the cash they have over the US now... The original thread was about if the US are planning war against China, and the answer is no, as they are not in a position to declare war on someone with greater numbers and economic power...

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America is over in the sense that they have been a leading power for the last 100+ years... It may be India and not China that rise, but China are somewhat ahead, especially with the cash they have over the US now... The original thread was about if the US are planning war against China, and the answer is no, as they are not in a position to declare war on someone with greater numbers and economic power...


You miss the point I made earlier. The Chinese are flush with cash only because of their exports. If the US and European economies fail the Chinese will very soon find themseves pretty much broke also.


India still has a very long way to go to become a superpopwer. The caste system is still part of their society and there are too many of the populace living in poverty

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That's a good sumation of the problems you face. It's also a good sumation of the reason that previously pro-american Brits like me no longer look at america as a leader.


Maybe the world is entering a period where no super power will exist. Militarily the role of world's policeman has become far too much of a drain on the economy and I think the majority of Americans dont want their sons and daughters sent off to fight in wars that have no end game and dubious outcomes on the success of bringing prosperity, freedom and democracy.


Regional conflicts will continue for one reason or another but resolving the conflicts will become the responsibilty of neighbouring countires in those regions or that of the United Nations


I dont see the Chinese getting their military involved in any conflicts outside of China either. The Chinese are not military invaders by nature. Their whole history has been one of defending their borders from Tartars, Mongols and more recently the Japanese

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You miss the point I made earlier. The Chinese are flush with cash only because of their exports. If the US and European economies fail the Chinese will very soon find themseves pretty much broke also.


India still has a very long way to go to become a superpopwer. The caste system is still part of their society and there are too many of the populace living in poverty


The UK had it's empire when the majority of it's people were in poverty - as long as those at the top are powerful and rich, this doesn't always prevent a nation taking over... The Chinese are flush due to their exports and they have managed this through business sense - they're not likely to let this go... You have to think that Hong Kong is also part of Chna, and holds a huge banking corporation... Much of China's wealth is in other assets too - this is what the rich do, they invest... In a large scale, they have 'invested' in the US...

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Maybe the world is entering a period where no super power will exist. Militarily the role of world's policeman has become far too much of a drain on the economy and I think the majority of Americans dont want their sons and daughters sent off to fight in wars that have no end game and dubious outcomes on the success of bringing prosperity, freedom and democracy.


Regional conflicts will continue for one reason or another but resolving the conflicts will become the responsibilty of neighbouring countires in those regions or that of the United Nations


By the 'worlds policeman' you mean the funds it takes to keep the UN going? America wouldn't pretend to such a crown - they've fought with the middle east tooth and nail over oil - how awful is that? Just so they can keep their cars going? Scary! No point pretending it was anything else... We had a fool for a PM who followed a US simpleton into a war the likes the world hadn't seen since vietnam... And the only thing at stake was oil... Disgusting!

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The UK had it's empire when the majority of it's people were in poverty - as long as those at the top are powerful and rich, this doesn't always prevent a nation taking over... The Chinese are flush due to their exports and they have managed this through business sense - they're not likely to let this go... You have to think that Hong Kong is also part of Chna, and holds a huge banking corporation... Much of China's wealth is in other assets too - this is what the rich do, they invest... In a large scale, they have 'invested' in the US...


And so have the Japanese and Europeans just as much as the US has invested heavily in China in latter years.

That's why all our economies are now so intertwined and that only increases the domino effect that when one economy goes down so do the rest

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By the 'worlds policeman' you mean the funds it takes to keep the UN going? America wouldn't pretend to such a crown - they've fought with the middle east tooth and nail over oil - how awful is that? Just so they can keep their cars going? Scary! No point pretending it was anything else... We had a fool for a PM who followed a US simpleton into a war the likes the world hadn't seen since vietnam... And the only thing at stake was oil... Disgusting!


Middle east oil doesn't keep US cars going. Domestic, Canadian and Venezuelan oil do that. Total imports of middle east oil into the US is currently at around 15 to 2o percent in contrast to Europe where the percentage of imported middle east oil is around 85 percent or more


I follow the school of thought that after 9/11 Bush believed that Saddam might be tempted to sell WMDs to Al Qaeda but of course later on it was found that WMDs didn't exist after all.

The middle east is a vipers nest anyway. The Saudis and the Emirates fear the Iranians, Israel is to the point of perhaps carrying out an attack of suspected Iranian nuclear facilities, Egypt and Libya face uncertain futures and Syria is in turmoil. Europe with it's heavy reliiance on middle east oil should be far more concerned than the US as to what the outcome of all this will be.

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