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US preparing for war with China?

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I think that starting a war with the most populous country on earth, which just happens to control much of the whole world's manufacturing, would be an intensely stupid thing to do.




But to be fair, it's the people on this forum who are suggesting that the Americans might start a war with the most populous country on earth.


I wonder whether any of them have asked either the Americans or the Chinese whether they intend to go to war?


What would the advantage be to China (a country which - by its own estimate - needs a 6% annual growth to merely stand still) in starting a war with its biggest export market partner?


What would be the advantage to the US in starting a war with its biggest source of funds?


The US has treaties with Israel. There can be little doubt that should Israel come under attack, the US would defend Israel.


(But, on the other hand, should Israel start a war, do you not think that the US might be more than a little annoyed? - There's more than a slight difference between jumping in to protect a friend who has been attacked and jumping in to help a friend who has started a fight.)


Does China have treaties with any middle-eastern countries? (Treaties which would oblige it to come to the aid of said countries?)


The Russians don't want a war in the Middle East. That's understandable.


I suggest that the Russians (and Russia - the USSR no longer exists - is an Eastern European country, populated by ethnic Europeans) don't want an Asian (largely Muslim) bloc nestling up against their underbelly, either.


The Russians don't have much of a record of getting on with the Afghans, or the Chechens. The Khazakhs, Uzbekhs and other people who live in the countries named after my famous deceased father are a potential problem.


There are organisations [in particular an organisation in Garmisch-Partenkirchen operated and funded by Germany and the US] which work hard to promote stability and security in those (and other) regions, (and they do a pretty good job, too) but should any country declare war against the US, you could forget about that.


My knowledge and understanding of world politics is more than a bit limited, but I have learnt enough over the past 40 years or so (and particularly during the past few) to realise that things are seldom (if ever) as simple as they seem and it's likely that the whole system is probably more complicated than we will ever know.

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lol dont be stupid


china isnt muslim


A large part of China is though, or are you conveniently foregtting about the Uyghurs attacking the native Han Chinese a couple of years back. They've even had a go this year it seems http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-pacific-14196732. Of course they'd tried to dismiss it, they're not all the same afterall.


Back on track, Russia and China have a history of supporting each other in their dealings with the West. A war is unlikely since all they have is manpower, their weapons are far inferior. Mind you, that hasn't stopped them selling their inferior weapons to unstable Middle-Eastern countries for oil.

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China is expanding at a massive rate and needs every drop of oil it can get.

America is crapping itself after the Arab spring as even a small drop in oil supplies naffs up the country as we saw when Saudi gave them the finger a long while back.


That's one reason I don't see a US invasion of Iran. Iran's oil industry is pretty much Chinese run and the Chinese won't be at all happy if the Yanks invade.

By "Unhappy" I mean sending a large army over to ask the Yanks to scarper.


I expected to see a larger US force in Asia as soon as I saw the Chinese were getting ideas in the region but neither wants war as it would totally smash both countries..

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thats not the point, this threads about attacking and i gave my opinion it wont be china and why


you asked a question so I have done the same. You pretty blatantly accused the US of only attacking Muslim countries:


lol dont be stupid


china isnt muslim


So I asked you how many have the US defended or are you not interested in this information? Does it grate against your anti-US sentiment?

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AAAwwww. Don't be a spoilsport1


'One country in the visible'


(I suggested to my son that the wording was 'One country indivisible' but he put me right!)


"You're not supposed to say 'der' Daddy, my teacher said so. You're supposed to say 'the'."


"One country in the visible."


If that's so, why would the United States (a federation) wish to get involved in any war between the States? (I thought they'd sorted that out after the war of Northern Aggression?)

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