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Is this a good CV?? Feedback please

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I am looking for a part time job to subsidies me whilst I am at sixth form studying my second year of A levels at Tapton Secondary School. I am ideally looking for 16 hours per week, which can comfortably fit around my school hours. As I am in my second year my timetable is a lot more flexible due to our lessons being cut from five hours to four. At sixth form I am studying Film Studies, Business Studies and Sociology. I am predicted B’s across the board for these A levels but I’m obviously pushing myself to aim much higher. In life I would like to attend university and carry on with my film studies and take it onto directing a producing film, over the pond in the USA.

When I’m not attending school the chances are you’ll find me in the gym or attached to my Skis. I love everything about the gym the feeling after running a good few miles on the treadmill or lifting a couple of kg really makes me feel like I’m achieving. Skiing is another passion of mine which I first started at the age of eleven when my school took us on a trip to Sheffield Ski Village ever since that trip I have had lessons every Friday until I reached level five and then went onto the ‘Free Ski’ which is more or less doing tricks and stunts on skis. I also play tennis and snowboard but these are more hobbies that I enjoy with my friends rather than aiming to keep getting better and better. Although I did take part in the South Yorkshire ‘Road To Wimbledon’ competition and achieved second.

At the moment I work at Rhinegold Garden Centre, Loxley. I have now been here for two years, even turning down other job offers just to stay here, but the downside to working here is the job is seasonal therefore I am not working over the Christmas period. I would like to make a permanent move that would be a job all year round. At Rhinegold I don’t have a precise job title because I am involved in so much. When I first started out there I was known as ‘Compost carrier’ all I did was carrier compost, gravel and slate to the customers cars also help them choose the right compost and gravel for their gardens. Then after a few weeks I picked up the basics of plant life and was able to help customers myself with their plant problems. Then came the huge furniture department we had and on a regular basis I started selling three or four items of furniture per day worth £100+. Also in the garden center there were other jobs I did such as answering the phones, making over the phone payments, cashing up, being on the tills, general housekeeping, taking in deliveries and being nice and friendly to mainly elderly customers was a must.

Once I left Rhinegold for the winter I got myself a job at Debenhams, Meadowhall. At Christmas time they said it got busy but I did not realise how busy, so now I’m 100% ready for the floods of Christmas customers that will be buying this year or any other busy periods. At Debenhams I was a sale advisor on the Home Department; in this I had many responsibilities the main one for Debenhams was the customer service I delivered, being polite and nice is already a big part of my everyday life so this came easy to me and I was easy for customers to approach and ask any questions they had. Also dealing with the more expensive stock that Debenhams has to sell in the store meant that we had to get those sales. I also had two full days of till training and was often seen behind the tills putting customer’s purchases through. Going to the stock room and stock checking was also a big part of my job at Debenhams. General housekeeping so sweeping all the glitter up off Christmas stock and folding towels is just an example, cashing up was also a duty I carried out most nights I worked. At the end of my contract Debenhams offered to renew it for me for the year doing eight hours per week I turned this down due to the fact that I had been requested by staff back at Rhinegold.

Before all Rhinegold and Debenhams I started out as a Sunday paper boy I got this at the age of twelve and carried it out until I was fifteen when I was offered my first job. One my paper round the main thing I gained was organization this allowed me to go on and once in my proper working life how to organize school around my job giving me an income but also the best possible start in life.

In year 10 at Bradfield Secondary School we carried out work experience, I contacted numerous people and businesses and got one place all sorted out and ready and had my interview but failed due to the swine flu outbreak under a health and safety act. So I ended up at ‘Sheffield Homes: Sheffield City Council’ After my interview I was put to work straight away, filing peoples finances and emailing many people about certain changes to policies in the council. Helping set up the Stannington fair and making flyers for it, allowed me to be part of something massive that put a smile on people’s faces also putting a smile on my face seeing my flyer up around Sheffield. After completing my two weeks of work experience the personal skills I gained were ICT skills, letter writing, advertising, professional filing and how to make that perfect cuppa!

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A CV should be headed by your name, address, date of birth and contact details. Then any relevant work history and qualifications, a quick mention of your hobbies and finally the names of two people who can provide references. Yours is far too much waffle and not even in paragraphs


Accompanying letter like this


Dear Sirs


I am writing to apply for vacancy of ............ as advertised in ......... (where you saw advert) . I have experience of........ with duties such as .........................., am an effective team member and (list your skills)


I am a reliable, hardworking and conscientious person who has excellent timekeeping and attendance records and can work equally well on my own or as part of a team.


I attach my curriculum vitae, look forward to hearing from you and I am available for interview at any time.

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As you are starting out, the work history that fills out most CVs isn't going to be there. So you have to use what is available.




Education: School A - 54 GCSE's List subjects & Grades

School B: Currently studying in the 6th Form and predicted ... list subjects & predicted grades.


Work experience

Start with most recent employer. Name them and then list the job titles/roles that you have performed. List the responsibilities you have been given. List the skills you had to use to succeed and additional skills you acquired.

Highlight any specific stars.


Move on to other employers with the same.


Include any voluntary work that you have done and illustrate skills etc.


List sports and achievements.

List Hobbies and achievements.

List any other qualifications or achievements. ... training? 1st Aid?

Include any groups or societies that you are a member of and any positions of authority that you may hold/have held.

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I am looking for a part time job to subsidies me whilst I am at sixth form studying my second year of A levels at Tapton Secondary School. I am ideally looking for 16 hours per week, which can comfortably fit around my school hours. As I am in my second year my timetable is a lot more flexible due to our lessons being cut from five hours to four. At sixth form I am studying Film Studies, Business Studies and Sociology. I am predicted B’s across the board for these A levels but I’m obviously pushing myself to aim much higher. In life I would like to attend university and carry on with my film studies and take it onto directing a producing film, over the pond in the USA.

When I’m not attending school the chances are you’ll find me in the gym or attached to my Skis. I love everything about the gym the feeling after running a good few miles on the treadmill or lifting a couple of kg really makes me feel like I’m achieving. Skiing is another passion of mine which I first started at the age of eleven when my school took us on a trip to Sheffield Ski Village ever since that trip I have had lessons every Friday until I reached level five and then went onto the ‘Free Ski’ which is more or less doing tricks and stunts on skis. I also play tennis and snowboard but these are more hobbies that I enjoy with my friends rather than aiming to keep getting better and better. Although I did take part in the South Yorkshire ‘Road To Wimbledon’ competition and achieved second.

At the moment I work at Rhinegold Garden Centre, Loxley. I have now been here for two years, even turning down other job offers just to stay here, but the downside to working here is the job is seasonal therefore I am not working over the Christmas period. I would like to make a permanent move that would be a job all year round. At Rhinegold I don’t have a precise job title because I am involved in so much. When I first started out there I was known as ‘Compost carrier’ all I did was carrier compost, gravel and slate to the customers cars also help them choose the right compost and gravel for their gardens. Then after a few weeks I picked up the basics of plant life and was able to help customers myself with their plant problems. Then came the huge furniture department we had and on a regular basis I started selling three or four items of furniture per day worth £100+. Also in the garden center there were other jobs I did such as answering the phones, making over the phone payments, cashing up, being on the tills, general housekeeping, taking in deliveries and being nice and friendly to mainly elderly customers was a must.

Once I left Rhinegold for the winter I got myself a job at Debenhams, Meadowhall. At Christmas time they said it got busy but I did not realise how busy, so now I’m 100% ready for the floods of Christmas customers that will be buying this year or any other busy periods. At Debenhams I was a sale advisor on the Home Department; in this I had many responsibilities the main one for Debenhams was the customer service I delivered, being polite and nice is already a big part of my everyday life so this came easy to me and I was easy for customers to approach and ask any questions they had. Also dealing with the more expensive stock that Debenhams has to sell in the store meant that we had to get those sales. I also had two full days of till training and was often seen behind the tills putting customer’s purchases through. Going to the stock room and stock checking was also a big part of my job at Debenhams. General housekeeping so sweeping all the glitter up off Christmas stock and folding towels is just an example, cashing up was also a duty I carried out most nights I worked. At the end of my contract Debenhams offered to renew it for me for the year doing eight hours per week I turned this down due to the fact that I had been requested by staff back at Rhinegold.

Before all Rhinegold and Debenhams I started out as a Sunday paper boy I got this at the age of twelve and carried it out until I was fifteen when I was offered my first job. One my paper round the main thing I gained was organization this allowed me to go on and once in my proper working life how to organize school around my job giving me an income but also the best possible start in life.

In year 10 at Bradfield Secondary School we carried out work experience, I contacted numerous people and businesses and got one place all sorted out and ready and had my interview but failed due to the swine flu outbreak under a health and safety act. So I ended up at ‘Sheffield Homes: Sheffield City Council’ After my interview I was put to work straight away, filing peoples finances and emailing many people about certain changes to policies in the council. Helping set up the Stannington fair and making flyers for it, allowed me to be part of something massive that put a smile on people’s faces also putting a smile on my face seeing my flyer up around Sheffield. After completing my two weeks of work experience the personal skills I gained were ICT skills, letter writing, advertising, professional filing and how to make that perfect cuppa!


These are not inter-personal skills but plain skills:calling them personal skills makes you sound silly which I am sure you are not.

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That isn't a CV. You should look at some sample CVs http://www.prospects.ac.uk/example_cvs.htm in order to understand how to appropriately structure your CV. As mentioned above, employers wouldn't even bother reading that. Also, as mentioned above, skills are things such as these http://www.prospects.ac.uk/job_applications_what_do_employers_want.htm


I should also add that you've made a good start and have some good content there.

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Structure it better, break it down and make it more breif. Employers dont want to sit there for hours reading essay after essay. They dont even read the whole CV, they look for certain skill, experience, and qualities within the CV.


Use what you have already and just put it in the appropriate structure using bullet points, and bold to enhance important areas which they may be interested in. You could proberly use some of that for your covering letter too..


Hope you get it sorted

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