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Children In Need Is One Big Celebrity Con. No Money From Me!

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I know, watched the concert at the MEN arena, and I have never seen a bigger bunch of back slapping 'celebs' im my life! It's all free adverts for peeps with to much money already.




You need to use a spellchecker, love! :hihi:

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'Children in Need' (under that brand name) was started by the BBC in 1980. 36 years ago.


It was (and is) an international appeal.


Those children who were in need in 1980 are now in their mid 30's - early 40's and I suspect that many of them are the barstuds who are responsible for children (in their locale) being in need today.


IMO, if you give money to children in need in 3rd world countries, you are merely fuelling the fire. You are helping to feed and support the next generation who are going to screw up their kids.


'There has been a civil war in Somalia since 1991' (20 years.)


20 years ago, there were 'children in need' in Somalia.


Who the hell do you think is fighting the civil war which is still going on there?


What do you think that the 3-10 year olds who were 'in need' then are doing now?


'Charity begins at home' may be an old saying, but the old uns are the good uns.


I do give to charity. - But I make damned sure that every penny I give goes where it will do some good - not buy guns or train the next generation of oppressors.


I've no doubt that 'Children in need' does do a lot of good ...but where's the auditor? Where can I find out how many of those erstwhile needy children are now responsible for others being in need?

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Why are people constantly justifying their reluctance to give to charity? Plus, why tell other people of your mean spiritedness?


Cos they think if they post about their mean spiritedness, it will rub off to other forummers!

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Why are people constantly justifying their reluctance to give to charity? Plus, why tell other people of your mean spiritedness?


Im not mean spirited ,just sick and tired of the annual scrounge that is children in need.


Im in need of a Ferrari ,but i dont see Z-list celebs putting on a charity concert to help raise a few quid for me to put towards it.

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Im not mean spirited ,just sick and tired of the annual scrounge that is children in need.


Im in need of a Ferrari ,but i dont see Z-list celebs putting on a charity concert to help raise a few quid for me to put towards it.


a) Don't give them money

b) Don't watch the programmes

c) Don't come on here telling people you're not going to do a & b


Simples, do you see?

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