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Vibrating platforms do they work

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Well said, Agent Orange. It seems, however, that many people aren't prepared to go for the healthy, sensible option and instead look for a "quick fix."

Vibro plates certainly aren't it. Remember Slendertone belts in the 80s? Well, vibro plates are almost as useless as those.

I say "almost" because you actually do exercise on vibro plates, which will make some difference in itself. Whereas, if I remember rightly, with Slendertone people just slumped on the sofa and waited for a trim, toned belly to magically appear.

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They are AWESOME for stretching. I am fairly fit but have never been able to touch my feet..... Within two minutes of using the machine I was there.

Best way of using them I've found is to do some running, stretch on the plate and then run more...... Feels great.

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They won't make you lose weight but they WILL make you tone up- lots! I am naturally slim so maybe I notice a difference quicker, but I only have to have a couple of sessions and am more toned.


I had a personal trainer session to show me how to use it properly, and basically you do the same toning exercises you would do normally- for me that includes squats (for legs + thighs), planks (for stomach and core muscles) and sit ups/ leg lifts (for stomach). I also use weights when doing the squats. You basically hold the pose/ crunch for the 30 seconds + it is so much harder as your muscles are fighting against the vibrations.

I do each exercise twice and use it for about 20 mins and I am sweating when I finish!

When using it I am more toned than I have ever been!


I think people who say it doesn't do anything and that it is a waste of money are either not using it properly and are literally just standing there 'wobbling' or maybe need to do some cardio/ keep fit first to get rid of a fat layer before noticing if the muscles are toning up? I would definately recommend being shown how to use it properly tho cos I wasn't convinced about it till I did!

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But this person clearly can exercise, as they're asking about a vibro plate - you do realise you have to do exercises on them, not just stand there?


They probably can but I wasn't referring to the op not being able to exercise I was referring to the post that said the ONLY way was through healthy eating & exercise

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Don't buy one yet, but try one. Lots of places do free trials so you can make your own mind up.I have been using one for about 10 months and I think they are brilliant (as a gym hater). I have gone down two dress sizes with healthy eating rather than dieting but have been static for 3 months so I am now having to diet and losing weight again. They don't just wobble your fat but passively extend and flex your muscle cells very fast which unfortunately wobbles your fat inelegantly at the same time.

There are three different types of plate which reflect the buy or hire price.

Cheapest is the seesaw side ways rocking type that you find at lots of hairdressers and ebay. To buy these start at about £150. They are good but hard on the joints and definitely not for people with bad backs, hips or knees.

The other two types of plate move vertically and are much more expensive.

Powerplate costs between £5-10 grand as does Turbosonic. Powerplates tend to be found in gyms. The only place I know in Sheffield with a Turbosonic is Lynda V Price on Bannercross which is the one I use.

Turbo plates are very effective because they exercise you anaerobically which uses far more energy than aerobic exercise. (think back to your chemistry lessons and ATP production - Production of energy anaerobically uses 19 times more calories than aerobic energy production). Ideally though you should really do both types of exercise. I don't know a lot about the Powerplate because i haven't used one. But for the Turbosonic you really do just need to stand there in your normal clothes without shoes for 10 minutes a day, you don't even sweat. The machine works on soundwaves which as they alter frequency exercise different muscle groups. I am not kidding you can actually feel the different muscle groups being worked.It even exercises your pelvic floor! Turbosonic is also excellent for sports and injury recovery.If you ring in advance she will usually give you a free trial.So you don't have to take my word. Normally costs £100 per month but she has a £50 offer at moment which keeps extending thankfully.If you don't like exercising in public and don't like getting sweaty this is the place to go. I think some places in Sheffield do the Flabelos (seesaw type) for about £20 a month but seesaw plates can be rough on the joints if you have any health problems.

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They won't make you lose weight but they WILL make you tone up- lots! I am naturally slim so maybe I notice a difference quicker, but I only have to have a couple of sessions and am more toned.


I had a personal trainer session to show me how to use it properly, and basically you do the same toning exercises you would do normally- for me that includes squats (for legs + thighs), planks (for stomach and core muscles) and sit ups/ leg lifts (for stomach). I also use weights when doing the squats. You basically hold the pose/ crunch for the 30 seconds + it is so much harder as your muscles are fighting against the vibrations.

I do each exercise twice and use it for about 20 mins and I am sweating when I finish!

When using it I am more toned than I have ever been!


I think people who say it doesn't do anything and that it is a waste of money are either not using it properly and are literally just standing there 'wobbling' or maybe need to do some cardio/ keep fit first to get rid of a fat layer before noticing if the muscles are toning up? I would definately recommend being shown how to use it properly tho cos I wasn't convinced about it till I did!


I've done virtually the same thing as NewupNorf on the Powerplate, including personal training sessions, but noticed no difference at all. I'm also fit and pretty slim, being a marathon runner, but thought it made absolutely no difference to doing the exercises without the plate.

Personally, I think bootcamp classes made far more difference - but different things work for different people.


Clearly though, Powerplates do work for some people if you're prepared to put in the effort and work hard on them. Standing still and wobbling does nothing. From the responses here, I'd say the key is definitely to try them out at the gym before buying one at home. I don't know about the private gyms, but Ponds Forge do free training sessions on their Powerplates and the staff are really helpful.


I would still maintain though, that vibro plates are no substitute for cardiovascular exercise and aren't an easy short cut to a toned body. Good luck!

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