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Do you know someone who shouldn't be getting benefits?


Do you know someone who shouldn't be getting benefits?  

47 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you know someone who shouldn't be getting benefits?

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This is bound to become another benefit bashing rant. As Auto98uk says, people might think they know, but actually not have the relevant information.


The 1% must be rubbing their hands in glee at how easy it is to stir up the masses into fighting against each other, thus leaving them alone to quietly get on with ripping us off.


We should be sticking together like glue and supporting each other. That is where our strength lies, and the only way of winning through.

theres a few on here who stick up for the 1% and will tell you how its ok for them to get away with paying as little as tax as possible :huh:. these occupy groups popping up around the world are doing a good job in bringing this to light. this gov is like the school bully picking on the weak and vunerable and leaving the strong and powerful alone.
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theres a few on here who stick up for the 1% and will tell you how its ok for them to get away with paying as little as tax as possible :huh:. these occupy groups popping up around the world are doing a good job in bringing this to light. this gov is like the school bully picking on the weak and vunerable and leaving the strong and powerful alone.


People knew what would happen if the tories won the election but people still voted for them. Not enough to vote them in mind, people will never forget the hardship the tories have always caused. You only have to look at some of the appalling comments made on here by supposedly tory voters to see what they're like.

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People knew what would happen if the tories won the election but people still voted for them. Not enough to vote them in mind, people will never forget the hardship the tories have always caused. You only have to look at some of the appalling comments made on here by supposedly tory voters to see what they're like.


you're right up to a point, but you forget that Labour were totally discredited,(and still are...)

In our great 'Democracy' there wasn't much choice. We were between the devil and the deep blue...


Which begs the question, what's the point in voting?

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People knew what would happen if the tories won the election but people still voted for them. Not enough to vote them in mind, people will never forget the hardship the tories have always caused. You only have to look at some of the appalling comments made on here by supposedly tory voters to see what they're like.


Yes, with idiot comments like that, the 1% Anna quite rightly refers to will be well pleased.


So Labour haven't caused hardship? With Brown's destruction of pensions? And costing the UK billions with the gold fire sale? Or Blair signing up for 15% of all power (rather than just electricity he'd been briefed on) coming from renewables?


But keep up your myopic support for these working-class heroes like Mandelson, Blair, the Millipedes etc. because they're so different to the tories, aren't they?

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Do you know someone who shouldn't be receiving state benefits?


How do you feel about it?


I thought with threads on here the OP was supposed to state their view, rather than simply ask a question with no input.


Shock, horror, ex-admin becomes a troll.

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I'm assuming that poster just means that they consider the tax working people pay to be too high, and thus everyone that works, in their opinion, is over taxed.


The current government keeps talking about increasing the personal allowance to £10,000.

This is an interesting and sneaky ploy to further devalue benefits, because all people who are earning will pay less tax. Meanwhile as inflation goes up and each pound we earn is worth less, then benefits stay as they are and before long this tax free £10,000 is worth what the current allowance of £7400 is currently.


The ultimate aim is to increase the advantages for a claimant to get off the benefits and do any paid work at all, because they will be able to keep all of it instead of working for nothing as the difference between state handouts and low paid work will then be made much greater.


I personally think that making low paid work more financially rewarding is a great aim, but this is a dishonest way of going about it.


What would be far better would be to simplify the complex tax system, which the labour government made much worse. the whole system needs a rethink, not further tinkering so chancellors can show off with headlines on budget days, while hiding tax rises in smallprint which is only revealed a week later.

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Do you know someone who shouldn't be receiving state benefits?


How do you feel about it?


You have another thread/poll at the moment again about benefits, entitiled "Is Working For Benefits Forced Labour".


What is your obesession about benefits? Are you claiming benefits but are wanting to know if others get more money than you? Are you jealous that people can claim benefits while you have to work?


Why can't you just live and let live? I have never wanted to know what my neighbour earns, whether they claim any benefits, it is not something I ever think about. I accept people for what they are not for what they earn or claim from the state.

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Lest we forget....

In 2008/9 £12.7bn of means-tested benefits and £5bn of tax credits went unclaimed

In 2008/9 an estimated £3.3bn was lost from fraudulent & errornous social security & HB payments.

In 2008 the amount of tax uncollected (due to deliberate evasion and error) was £42bn. according to HMRC.

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