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Is working for benefits "forced labour" ?


Is working for benefits "forced labour" ?  

109 members have voted

  1. 1. Is working for benefits "forced labour" ?

    • Yes
    • No

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'Retiring' at an earlier age than 65 would compromise your private pension, so how could it be considered acceptable for the government to force you to do it to save themselves money?


There's no moral way to force someone not to work no matter what their age, at best it's age discrimination in the name of saving money isn't it.

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No, it means that when someone with a profession or even just a trade has lost there job, it's not unreasonable for them to initially look for only relevant jobs. Your son for example, if he lost his management position would probably be looking for another one rather than immediately taking a shelf stacking position at the local tescos.

Anyone who goes from a decent job to unemployment is hardly going to be impressed at the high rate of the dole are they!


As I said - Fussy.

I went for the first job I could find, then tried to get back into something I knew because I didn't want to be a pathetic dole scrounger when I could work.

I made a point of mentioning that at interviews as I shows I'm a worker, not some lazy, can't be bothered to get out of bed, scrounger who will be just as likely to be lazy in the new job.


That rather pathetic, "I want the right job" attitude is a great excuse for being a lazy git.

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What can I say, you have a problem with your attitude and perception regarding claiming support.

I doubt that anyone would hire your son for a shelf stacking job or anything else they feel he's over qualified for since they want someone who'll stay, not someone who's going to continue looking for a better suited position and be out of there as soon as they find it.

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As I said - Fussy.

I went for the first job I could find, then tried to get back into something I knew because I didn't want to be a pathetic dole scrounger when I could work.

I made a point of mentioning that at interviews as I shows I'm a worker, not some lazy, can't be bothered to get out of bed, scrounger who will be just as likely to be lazy in the new job.


That rather pathetic, "I want the right job" attitude is a great excuse for being a lazy git.


By your own admission, you lie all the time. Why any employer would want to take you on is beyond me.



I lie all the time for various reasons.

I lie to my wife about how much things have cost me, I lied to my employer about me previous salary so I could get more (I'm worth it) and I used to lie to girls to get sex.

The number of girls I've told I love and want to marry would make me the most prolific bigamist of all time if I wasn't fibbing to them.

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yes its forced slave labour, what your missing here is if the government did a proper job there woulnt be any unemployment!!!!! If i was to smash a shop window i would get community hours for being a criminal, its no offence being out of work, making you do forced labour is the same as community service, its no crime being out of work!!!

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yes its forced slave labour, what your missing here is if the government did a proper job there woulnt be any unemployment!!!!! If i was to smash a shop window i would get community hours for being a criminal, its no offence being out of work, making you do forced labour is the same as community service, its no crime being out of work!!!


This is exactly the attitude that is the problem with society today. Scroungers like rich5315 think the rest of us should fund their chosen lifestyle on benefits as a right not a privilege and as soon as the government cracks down on them they start squealing about how unfair it is that they might have to actually start looking for work.


And bleating about how it's the government's job to get you a job just sums up how idle you are. It's not the government's responsibility to find you work, it's yours!

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i can only speak about the area where i live ,there are loads of sandwich and food factorys,all staffed by polish people my cousin spent a short time in one ,he said the polish brag about claiming for children they dont have back in poland some claim to have 4 kids that nicely tops up your wages per month,there are 800 in solway at the moment

funny but true my mate replield to a job advert and added "ski" on the end of his name he got an interview thats how desparate he was.

they say our youth does not want to work all !how can they when people from abroad take all the jobs (some also work as cleaners 10hrs per week) as well as in factorys

all this and yet more come into the uk every week

this is not a racisist rant its a fact

start putting our youth forward otherwise english teens will become the lost generation busy boozing all day just to pass the time

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This new scheme to help the young find work is of course good. But don't kid yourself that its the Tory boys showing their sensitive side...They'll cut something else to pay for it...So in effect the scheme has cost nowt...


That's a good thing. Surely the less taxpayers money the government are spending the better?

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That's a good thing. Surely the less taxpayers money the government are spending the better?


It is but they don't deserve much credit. They haven't put any more money into the problem, just diverted funds from another department. I heard that it will be funded by cuts to tax credits...don't know if this is true though..

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