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Ban cars and motorbikes!

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Commercial vehicles are ok. Im talking about personal use. If a builder is caught going to the shops in his van he/she will have to be fined heavily!


Car owners won't have to be compensated because it wouldn't be an instant ban. Vehicles would just be slowly removed from society. We could be car free by 2050!

Go and live in Sark. It will meet with your personal requirements.

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But your cars only cause congestion on the already busy roads. They give off toxic fumes that cause pollution and ill health to the rest of us!


This is the same poster who was enthusiastic about toxic fumes three days ago ..


"Sorry! BMA want the government to ban smoking in your car...........even when you are in it by yourself!!


So, this is the next step Big Brother is taking in order to take away our choice! Banning smoking in a private space. Next they will ban smoking in our homes.


Thankfully this is only a proposed ban at the moment, hopefully it's never going to come to fruition but the fact that it has made the national news is worrying!


When will the anti smoking campaigners stop? Soon there will be a country full of smokers without cigarettes pulling their hair out running riot!


Smoking in the car with children in the back is the main arguement here, fair enough, if you smoke with your children in the back, you're an idiot!! This shouldn't stop the rest of us being able to enjoy a cigarette, in our car, ALONE!


What will they ban next? "

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Is this a forum for sicophancy and hero -worship?It is not hard to lure people with an outrageous comment.


No but this is a thread to see how many people bite at a ludicous statement that some people saw though straight away:D:love:

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