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Philip Oliver prison governor jailed for downloading porn

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they cant send him to donny it just wont happen but just think if they did and u ad been on ajudication with him and he gave u 10 days in the seg u would want revenge and he would get hammered


It does sound like you have a cross to bear.Do you not like the man?

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The governors do have sentencing powers both for internal offences and parole.It pays to keep in with the governor when incarcerated as they exerciswe power arbitrarily.


Not strictly true.


The judge did the sentencing after the verdict was delivered.


The governors can - in the event of bad behaviour - reduce the 'remission for good behaviour' but they can't add to the original sentence.


Nor can governors decide whether or not an inmate gets parole. - That's up to the parole board. They can, however, submit an adverse report to the parole board.


Adjudications by governors are subject to review and a governor who acted arbitrarily might well find him/herself out of a job.

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Just to clarify and eradicate any assumptions:


1) Philip Oliver worked for Serco which is a private prison service company


2) 'Extreme Porn' - What the papers haven't told us/or haven't been clear on is that he was arrested this year for downloading and posession of images of Beastiality (sex with animals). downloading and posession of beastiality became illegal and therefore against the law in 2009. He had downloaded the images in 2007. Upon hearing this in court the judge asked Mr Oliver and his resenting solicitor if they wanted to change their plea, they declined.


3) It also came out in court that Mr Oliver offered his wife and two young daughters for sex to a man online. This transpired to be a twisted fantasy of Mr Olivers because he didn't have two young daughters.... he is married but only has one daughter aged 28 years old.


4) His wife and daughter also worked for Serco private prison service. However, whilst working for the same company, all three worked at different prisons. His daughter has very recently been sentenced and imprisoned for three years for having sexual relations with a prison in-mate and bringing class A drugs into the prison for him. His wife, for some strange unknown reason has very recently left the prison service of her own accord.

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Not strictly true.


The judge did the sentencing after the verdict was delivered.


The governors can - in the event of bad behaviour - reduce the 'remission for good behaviour' but they can't add to the original sentence.


Nor can governors decide whether or not an inmate gets parole. - That's up to the parole board. They can, however, submit an adverse report to the parole board.


Adjudications by governors are subject to review and a governor who acted arbitrarily might well find him/herself out of a job.


I must admit my knowledge was gleaned from episodes of Porridge,and a few old lags I worked with on site.

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It does sound like you have a cross to bear.Do you not like the man?


i dont no the man at all but just feel that the people that up hold the law are just as criminal as those they are condemming only this week we read about ex police officer jailed for £330,000 fraud wonder how he thought that one up ?

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  • 1 month later...
Just to clarify and eradicate any assumptions:


1) Philip Oliver worked for Serco which is a private prison service company


2) 'Extreme Porn' - What the papers haven't told us/or haven't been clear on is that he was arrested this year for downloading and posession of images of Beastiality (sex with animals). downloading and posession of beastiality became illegal and therefore against the law in 2009. He had downloaded the images in 2007. Upon hearing this in court the judge asked Mr Oliver and his resenting solicitor if they wanted to change their plea, they declined.


3) It also came out in court that Mr Oliver offered his wife and two young daughters for sex to a man online. This transpired to be a twisted fantasy of Mr Olivers because he didn't have two young daughters.... he is married but only has one daughter aged 28 years old.


4) His wife and daughter also worked for Serco private prison service. However, whilst working for the same company, all three worked at different prisons. His daughter has very recently been sentenced and imprisoned for three years for having sexual relations with a prison in-mate and bringing class A drugs into the prison for him. His wife, for some strange unknown reason has very recently left the prison service of her own accord.


As a family friend i feel i must add some truth to this post,

1) Mr Oliver always accepted that he was guilty of possession as the 6 mins of porn were on his pc, though he was very clear that it had lain there since 2007 without being viewed since it was sent to him in 2007 a fact the procecution could not disprove

2) The CPS introduced the unsubstanciated story about his daughters and they were told strongly by the judge that this should not have been disclosed as it had been denied and no evidence was found to prove this claim made by a man who refused to make a formal statement or to give evidence (i wonder why)

3) Mr Oliver's wife and daughter have never worked for Serco who only manage one prison in Yorkshire they both worked for the public sector prison service, his daughter was sentenced to 18 months for misconduct in public office which did not include the supply of any drugs or sexual activity the reports of her trial are widely available in the press.

4) his wife has not yet left her position though will do soon having accepted an excellent offer of voluntary redunancy/early retirement open to a section of the public sector prison service.

5) finally Mr Oliver is already out of prison and back with his family having had his sentence quashed by the court of appeal in London who were highly critical of the original trial judge and the CPS (tells a story i think)

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