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If you could vote on the future of benefits, how would you vote?

What should happen to benefit payments in the UK?  

148 members have voted

  1. 1. What should happen to benefit payments in the UK?

    • Benefit payments should be increased
    • Benefit payments should be decreased
    • Benefits should be stopped
    • Benefit claiments where possible should do menial jobs for their payments
    • Benefits should only be paid in vouchers
    • Other - Please state

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nothing says that the support must come in the form of money, and there's no moral or ethical argument to say it should either.


The Government states that the unemployed are entitled to a minumum amount of money to live or in other words a minimum income, anything less could cause harm. Those rules are enshrined in DWP law as it stands now and that money can be paid in cash, cheque or bank debit. There are no laws demanding what the recipients spend that money on.


As far as the ethics are concerned its been well accepted by charity organisations, church led organisations, MP's news reports and the people who received vouchers that it was dehumanising and discriminatory.


Setting up a new voucher only system would be expensive and counter productive and only increase the overall cost of the benefit system. Why replace a system that works?

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If the government state it then the government can change that statement. People aren't arguing about the statement here, they're arguing that there is a moral obligation for support to be in that form.


If the system worked I'd agree, but it's dysfunctional and is a disincentive from work.

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Being given money for entertainment isn't a right though nor something that the state feels it should do. It's a safety net to stop people starving or freezing, not a way of life that involves luxury items.


You're wasting your time on Hali baba, he's too thick to listen to sense.

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Why should other people have to pay for their luxuries? The welfare state should be there to help people survive, not make them feel entitled to luxuries they have not earned.


If somebody on benefits can afford to buy a pint or a packet of cigarettes, we are giving them far too much money.


I dont fancy your chances of wining that argument on here.

The last time i tried to offer something constructive i was insulted and ganged up against.

Even reporting the insults did nothing and the insults are still on the thread.

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What good would upping the minimum wage to £9 do? It would just put anyone whose work is worth less than £9 an hour out of a job.


Maybe £9 is a little too much I would go for no less than £7 ph,and thats low enough as it is never mind £6 per hour which in the minimum wage.

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For the absolute FINAL time, because I am SICK of answering this kind of crap, I am NOT workshy! :rant:


You do seem to come in for some real criticism on here Rich.

I dont think anyone really thinks your workshy but you have a nasty habbit of jumping down peoples throats the minute benefits are mentioned.

It may help you if you take a step back and avoid some of the trolling that seems to catch you out and wind you up. :)

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We need more jobs. Proper, full time, permanent jobs that pay a living wage, (ie a minimum wage that enables the worker to live without tax credits etc, thus putting the onus to pay a living wage on the employer, not the tax payer.)


Until that happens, there are going to be no fair answers to arguments over the benefits system.

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