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If you could vote on the future of benefits, how would you vote?

What should happen to benefit payments in the UK?  

148 members have voted

  1. 1. What should happen to benefit payments in the UK?

    • Benefit payments should be increased
    • Benefit payments should be decreased
    • Benefits should be stopped
    • Benefit claiments where possible should do menial jobs for their payments
    • Benefits should only be paid in vouchers
    • Other - Please state

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If you believe that you're a bigger prat than which people previously gave you credit for.
Rather than criticise your sentence construction, or respond the the playground name calling, I'll remind you that it's bad form to attack the poster, rather than offer a counter to the statement.
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So you're saying people with Asperger's should be allowed to live a life of luxury on benefits without ever having to look for work?

We all have little quirks and idiosyncracies, it doesn't mean we don't have to work for a living!


I know I'll get banned for this but I'm past caring, you sir are clearly a clueless fool! :rant: Asperger's is NOT a "quirk" or an "idiosyncracy", there are a myriad of websites which are ALL on Google which will explain everything you clearly do not understand about the condition.


Also, it is a FACT that nearly ALL adults with Asperger's in the UK are unemployed, that is NOT our fault, it is down to lack of understanding from employers, who see that we have a disability, and immediately decide they don't want to employ us! :loopy:

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ok conrod look at this way i left school 30 years ago and have worked the first 28 years, i always did low paid jobs - shifts - weekends, i always wanted to go to college and get a skill so i could earn more money. i had to leave my last job due to having to move away. I earned £23k in my last job, i have 3 young children, and im better off not working, this cant be right salaries arent enough, while i have been out of work i tried to better myself by going to college and getting that qualification i wanted while i was out of work, WRONG the benefits agency wont let me because they wont subsidise me for 3 years.so my only option is to get a minimum wage job, so its a choice of £13 an hour at home or £6 working, which one would you do? And before you tear me apart we do have a very basic living, we not holidayed for 8 years im still driving around in a 14 year old car, ive only 2 pairs of jeans and a few jumpers to my name, i dont smoke either we shop at heron and aldis and we only just get by, so you tell me how i can live on £6 an hour?????

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And the magic money tree will pay for it all.


I've explained how it shall be paid for.


Your response is nonsensical.


The FTSE100 is falling again back towards 5000.


Suppose the BoE will now print money into existence again, backed by nothing. More QE, more inflation, a short term stock market rise before it crashes again. Pension, savings etc. shall be devalued.


More 'magic money' for the propertree.


Can you speak German, I could recommend you a book?

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you work hard for 45 years to get an old age pension and all you get is about £65 a week from it, my last job had a pension scheme that was indexed linked, £400 a month went into my pension, when i retire after 25 years it was still only going to make me a pension of £600 a month! so they all slag the welfare state off but they will all be drawing benefits when there 65!!!!!!


It didn't help me when I was unfit for work, I put in and someone else takes it out.

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ok conrod look at this way i left school 30 years ago and have worked the first 28 years, i always did low paid jobs - shifts - weekends, i always wanted to go to college and get a skill so i could earn more money. i had to leave my last job due to having to move away. I earned £23k in my last job, i have 3 young children, and im better off not working, this cant be right salaries arent enough, while i have been out of work i tried to better myself by going to college and getting that qualification i wanted while i was out of work, WRONG the benefits agency wont let me because they wont subsidise me for 3 years.so my only option is to get a minimum wage job, so its a choice of £13 an hour at home or £6 working, which one would you do? And before you tear me apart we do have a very basic living, we not holidayed for 8 years im still driving around in a 14 year old car, ive only 2 pairs of jeans and a few jumpers to my name, i dont smoke either we shop at heron and aldis and we only just get by, so you tell me how i can live on £6 an hour?????


Well if you make £13 an hour on benefits that is clearly too much, I work full time, have a masters and several professional qualifications and I was getting less than that when I was in my last permanent job. So whilst everyone bleats on about how its unfair on you having to work for £6 I say that's its a disgrace that you get more than me for sitting at home whilst I'm working my arse off.

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Why not ask them?


Because when comparing the cost of benefit fraud (£3.1billion in 2009/10) to the cost of tax fraud (£70billion for the same period) you would expect the people's wishes as represented by the government and the popular press to be at least as vociferous in their condemnation of tax fraudsters as they are of benefit fraudsters.


But apprently HMRC spent £633,284 on advertising to prevent tax evasion last year, compared with £5 million spent on advertising to stop benefit fraud. No wonder so many people on here think that benefit fraud is vile and despicable but tax evasion is a bit of a laugh.

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I know I'll get banned for this but I'm past caring, you sir are clearly a clueless fool! :rant: Asperger's is NOT a "quirk" or an "idiosyncracy", there are a myriad of websites which are ALL on Google which will explain everything you clearly do not understand about the condition.


Also, it is a FACT that nearly ALL adults with Asperger's in the UK are unemployed, that is NOT our fault, it is down to lack of understanding from employers, who see that we have a disability, and immediately decide they don't want to employ us! :loopy:


Rich, don't rise to it mate. It's not known as Rickiethetroll on here without a reason.

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