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If you could vote on the future of benefits, how would you vote?

What should happen to benefit payments in the UK?  

148 members have voted

  1. 1. What should happen to benefit payments in the UK?

    • Benefit payments should be increased
    • Benefit payments should be decreased
    • Benefits should be stopped
    • Benefit claiments where possible should do menial jobs for their payments
    • Benefits should only be paid in vouchers
    • Other - Please state

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Many companies spend more than half of their turnover on wages, and only make a small percentage overall profit. How are they expected to pay more?


The wages are only too low if people on low incomes expect the trappings and comforts of a successful higher income. These days it seems to be widely expected for basic wage to provide people with everything they want - and that's just wrong. Basic wage should be just that - basic and low, or there is no incentive for people to work harder and achieve more.


Lots of people on low incomes work hard - street cleaners, healthcare assistants, postal workers etc. I don't suppose the wife of Fred the Shred has to mop his fevered brow of a night because he's dog tired after a hard day's graft.

And by the way as someone on a basic wage it doesn't provide me with the things I need, let alone want

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I wonder how many people who live like this own luxuries such as satellite TV, mobiles on contracts, broadband, plasma TVs, computers etc?


People are so spoilt in the UK these days that they don't know the difference between essentials and luxuries.


That probably depends on whether they had them bought and paid for before they were made jobless. But as time goes by assure you they disappear. Things break down and cannot be replaced, contracts expire and cannot be renewed, things are sold off etc.


It all depends on personal circumstances of course. People with children are in a different position to young single unemployed people for instance.

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Why not collect the £70bn a year owed to HMRC owed through tax evasion, and the £3.1bn a year owed through benefit fraud?


Why not? It still doesn't help the fact that people can earn more by sitting at home than working so what is the incentive to work?

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I know I'll get banned for this but I'm past caring, you sir are clearly a clueless fool! :rant: Asperger's is NOT a "quirk" or an "idiosyncracy", there are a myriad of websites which are ALL on Google which will explain everything you clearly do not understand about the condition.


Also, it is a FACT that nearly ALL adults with Asperger's in the UK are unemployed, that is NOT our fault, it is down to lack of understanding from employers, who see that we have a disability, and immediately decide they don't want to employ us! :loopy:


If you are so 'unemployable' as a disability, how come you have got a non-paid job and have done for so many years??


I know I will get shot down for being tough, but you seem to use your disability as an excuse not to get a job. I bet you can count on 1 hand how many jobs you have applied for over the last few years. If you really wanted work you could get it, if the benefits stopped tomorrow you would find work.


Before I get banned for being truthful, yet again it was Rich who came on a benefits thread and made it about himself, I was only responding on that topic.

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If you are so 'unemployable' as a disability, how come you have got a non-paid job and have done for so many years??


I know I will get shot down for being tough, but you seem to use your disability as an excuse not to get a job. I bet you can count on 1 hand how many jobs you have applied for over the last few years. If you really wanted work you could get it, if the benefits stopped tomorrow you would find work.


Before I get banned for being truthful, yet again it was Rich who came on a benefits thread and made it about himself, I was only responding on that topic.


I’m not convinced that everything rich says about his disability and work is true, but if it is I salute him for the voluntary work he does.

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Also, it is a FACT that nearly ALL adults with Asperger's in the UK are unemployed, that is NOT our fault, it is down to lack of understanding from employers, who see that we have a disability, and immediately decide they don't want to employ us!
I think you'll find that it's more a question of potential liability than 'understanding' or discrimination.


Many jobs exist for which Asperger's is not much of an issue, however I would expect not client-facing or people-management roles. Don't blame the employers, blame the claim culture.

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I'd probably have asked him to reflect on his comments and think if they were appropriate, given the circumstances.

Perhaps I just think it's puerile to stoop to the level of rude name calling. Some people do so at every opportunity, but I guess that's part of the great diversity of mankind, and serves to remind me that I'm better than such people - which in turn gives me a warm, superior feeling deep inside.


Pass the bucket, I think I'm going to vomit.

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How about we have a society where employers pay people a wage that is high enough to take them out of the need to claim Benefits.


Don't you think that would have the effect of people asking for benefits to be raised because those on them would be being "disadvantaged"... not to mention having to pay higher prices to buy stuff...vicious circle isn't it..

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