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389 members of our armed forces now killed in Afghan since we invaded

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Whilst I would never gloss over any deaths, as a society we need to get rid of this expectation of a 'zero-casualty' war which has slowly crept into western thinking.


Under 400 dead in ten years is remarkably low. Considering the terrain, the nature of asymmetric warfare, the number of religiously-inspired combatants, the endless arming/funding of these forces by powerful states like Iran and Pakistan etc.


In pure military terms, under 400 is not only a success - it's a bloody miracle.


We are a country who only 65 years ago could suffer 400 dead within minutes.


Let's get a grip people. No one likes anyone dying, but we are in a war with radical Islam. That is a fact. We have the upper hand in weapons and technology, they have the upper hand in being morally bankrupt and not having to adhere to any ethics or moral codes, they don't wear uniforms, use civilians as cover and generally kill indiscriminately.


Al Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbollah, Abu Sayyef, Islamic Jihad, Al-Shabaab, Al-kebab etc are all the same. There is a global war being waged by Islam. Whether that's against Israel, India, Russia, UK, US, Thailand, Philippines - it doesn't matter. It's the same war all over.


People are going to have to die. The up side is, many more of them will die than of us.

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'palestinians' cutting the throats of 3 month old babies is sickening.


My post was factual.


It may or may not have been, but why do you need to see the world in such simplistic 'us and them' terms?

Is it not the reality that inhumane and appalling violence is perpetrated by both Israelis and their Arab/Muslim neighbours?


The only way to lasting peace is through dialogue.

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It may or may not have been, but why do you need to see the world in such simplistic 'us and them' terms?

Is it not the reality that inhumane and appalling violence is perpetrated by both Israelis and their Arab/Muslim neighbours?


The only way to lasting peace is through dialogue.


There is no moral, tactical or ideological equivalence between the two sides.


That is a classic mistake the poorly-educated make on this subject. There isn't a fence to sit on in this conflict. We have a side that celebrate in the streets for slitting a baby's throat, and we have a side that doesn't.


If you want to be an apologist, by all means - don't expect me to be one too. I have a very clear idea of ethics and morality - which is why I could never support the 'palestinians' - because their cause is bankrupt and they lost all ethics and morality decades ago.

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