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43 average age for first time buyer.

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That means I will be a pensioner before we get the empty nest syndrome.

Who failed to build new council houses between 1997-2010?


This from acclaimed left wing journalist Paul Foot:


The [Labour] government's housing policy since it came to office in 1997 has faithfully followed Margaret Thatcher. It was her idea to sell council houses to their tenants. New Labour has sold more than Thatcher ever dared. It was Thatcher's obsession that council houses are, essentially, a menace to free enterprise, so she restricted the number of houses councils could build. New Labour has stopped building council houses altogether.



One of the main reasons for children continuing to live at home for so long is the high price of houses.


They are simply unaffordable.


House Prices Are Unaffordable


In 1995 the average UK house price was £50,930.


By the end of 2007 they had more than trebled to more than £170,000. That's an increase of more than 200%.


During this time average wages have failed to keep pace rising only 54% leaving house prices more unaffordable than they have ever been.



How did this unsustainable boom come about? Let's ask the man who was chancellor at the time, Gordon "I will not let house prices get out of control" Brown.


In his 1997 Budget speech, Gordon Brown said, “I will not allow house prices to get out of control and put at risk the sustainability of the future”. He went on to say that he did not want a return to ”instability, speculation and negative equity” of the 1980’s and 1990’s.


Now lets remind ourselves of what has actually happened. In the 10 years from 1997 to 2007, the average house price rose by some 200%, even higher in some areas. During the same period, average earnings rose by just 52%. The price rises were as a direct consequence of the free flow of easy credit, low interest rates, an explosion in ‘buy to let’ schemes pushing limited housing stock even higher, lenders taking much higher risks with loan to value (ltv) mortgages often approaching 125% and multiples of 6 or 7 times salaries used to calculate a homeowners ability to pay.


Gordon Brown knew what was going on and in spite of his assurances that he would not allow it to happen, that is precisely what he did. Everyone was telling him that is was not sustainable, he had studied the effects of the same problem experienced under the previous Tory government and he still chose to do nothing. A sceptic may surmise that he knew the economic growth, for which he claimed credit, was built on the back of easy credit, reckless lending and property equity releases.



People may think I have it in for Gordon Brown. They're right, I do. The man was, is and always will be an utter fraud.


The boom was the illusion


How Gordon Brown wrecked the UK economy


‘Darling, It Is Entirely My Fault!’ Gordon Brown's Legacy to Alistair and Himself

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Who failed to build new council houses between 1997-2010?


This from acclaimed left wing journalist Paul Foot:





One of the main reasons for children continuing to live at home for so long is the high price of houses.


They are simply unaffordable.





How did this unsustainable boom come about? Let's ask the man who was chancellor at the time, Gordon "I will not let house prices get out of control" Brown.





People may think I have it in for Gordon Brown. They're right, I do. The man was, is and always will be an utter fraud.


The boom was the illusion


How Gordon Brown wrecked the UK economy


‘Darling, It Is Entirely My Fault!’ Gordon Brown's Legacy to Alistair and Himself


Not much to say after that well researched and thought out post, other than I agree.

We should be talking about Gordon on this thread.


Could you be tricked by con artists?

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That means I will be a pensioner before we get the empty nest syndrome.


What chance have kids got today, add that to the idea of giving away selling nearly a million council houses to build just 100.000 new ones.


X council houses are usually the most affordable housing to buy, so if they hadn't been sold your kids would have to stay with you until the day you die.:o

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