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Osborne may be considering a pension raid

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And you can lie about it as many times as you like but he did. (Well by now it is nearer £120 Billion).




Brown's pension raid 'cost savers £100bn'




Gordon Brown's ruthless raid on pension schemes has cost the country's savers at least £100bn, a report claimed yesterday.


For the first time, the devastating impact of the Chancellor's controversial tax grab in 1997 has been revealed.


He scrapped the tax relief on dividends paid into pension funds just a few weeks after Labour came to power. Shadow Home Secretary David Davis has described the move as one of the 'great scandals of the last decade'.


The report, from Terry Arthur, a fellow of the Institute of Actuaries, warns the decision has cost Britain's pension savers at least £100bn. This is equal to the entire annual economic output of Ireland, or 50 years of Tesco's annual profits at £2bn a year.





But as the title of your thread is just a lie about something that may or may not even be in someon'e mind. Telling lies seems to be something of a speciality of yours.


He didn't take anything out of the funds. He took away a massive subsidy on private pensions, kind of like weaning an addict off a drug they should never got into in the first place


It's ridiculous to try and pin any shortfalls on Brown's actions alone. We've had the dot com bust since then, an ongoing crisis since 2008 etc... People should be looking at the funds that manage their pensions and asking serious questions, not looking for a big pensions bogey man.


By the way no need to get abusive old chap.

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He didn't take anything out of the funds. He took away a massive subsidy on private pensions, kind of like weaning an addict off a drug they should never got into in the first place


It's ridiculous to try and pin any shortfalls on Brown's actions alone. We've had the dot com bust since then, an ongoing crisis since 2008 etc... People should be looking at the funds that manage their pensions and asking serious questions, not looking for a big pensions bogey man.


By the way no need to get abusive old chap.


How odd then that everyone is entitled to pay money TAX FREE into their pension fund. The general idea is that having tax free savings like pensions and ISAs is supposed to encourage people to save for their old age. It was Browns pension grab that stopped many people from contributing to a pension and robbed the pension funds of £120 BILLION which is round about the shortfall in the funds at this moment in time.


On the other hand you starta thread making claims which are just based on speculation. But that doesn't stop you claiming it as fact. I doubt you would know the truth if it jumped up and bit your bum.

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How odd then that everyone is entitled to pay money TAX FREE into their pension fund. The general idea is that having tax free savings like pensions and ISAs is supposed to encourage people to save for their old age. It was Browns pension grab that stopped many people from contributing to a pension and robbed the pension funds of £120 BILLION which is round about the shortfall in the funds at this moment in time.


On the other hand you starta thread making claims which are just based on speculation. But that doesn't stop you claiming it as fact. I doubt you would know the truth if it jumped up and bit your bum.


I never claimed anything. I linked to an article and asked two questions. Then you got your knickers in a twist without obviously having read anything about the actual changes Brown made.


Read the OP again please. Then retreat to do some reading before being abusive again.

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He didn't take anything out of the funds. He took away a massive subsidy on private pensions, kind of like weaning an addict off a drug they should never got into in the first place




My nan used to say make hay while the sun shines ………… what did the pension funds do ……… they thought it would be a good idea to take a “holiday” while the sun was shining ............ Is that stealing money?


Pension fund contribution holidays were commonplace in the 1980s and 1990s as rising stock markets and relatively high interest rates produced pension fund surpluses.


However, stock market reverses, and the stricter actuarial assumptions which followed the implementation of the FRS 17 accounting standard in the early 2000s and the establishment of the Pensions Regulator, were adopted, and many pension funds fell into deficit. That largely ended the practice of contributions holidays.


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