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Osborne may be considering a pension raid

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The title of the thread appears to suggest it was happening... very misleading but that's why you did it.. :)


I see. But my first post clearly invited people to make up their own mind didn't it?


It seems that headlines work, not only in tabloids but in forums too :hihi::hihi:


Edit: in my defence I'd like to point out that the title of the thread is pretty similar to the front page of the paper edition of the Express today (spotted in Spar)

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My nan used to say make hay while the sun shines ………… what did the pension funds do ……… they thought it would be a good idea to take a “holiday” ………. Is that stealing money?


A few things have happened:

1. stock crashes 2000-3 & 2008-

2. FRS17

3. Increased life expectancy

4. Pensions holidays


All of which collectively caused more trouble than Brown.


The Tories themselves like a bit of a pension raid - Lawson in '88. Lamont in '93

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A few things have happened:

1. stock crashes 2000-3 & 2008-

2. FRS17

3. Increased life expectancy

4. Pensions holidays


All of which collectively caused more trouble than Brown.


The Tories themselves like a bit of a pension raid - Lawson in '88. Lamont in '93


Cant beat sensational journalism though can you. :rolleyes:


Brown's raid on pensions costs Britain £100 billion

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If he does it will of course be the fault of 'the previous, Labour, government'.:hihi:

Maybe he got the idea from them?


Brown's raid on pensions costs Britain £100 billion


Gordon Brown's notorious "pension stealth tax" has reduced the value of retirement funds by at least £100 billion, independent research has disclosed.


This is more than twice as much as the combined pension deficits of the country's 350 biggest companies.


The calculation comes at an unwelcome time for Mr Brown, who has tried to reassure voters that he will be a prime minister "for Middle Britain" as he seeks an orderly hand-over from Tony Blair.



£100 billion. Makes £7 billion seem a bit small beer doesn't it?


When Crash Gorden sets out to steal people's pensions, he thinks big!

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I like the way you call other people for lying, but totally ignore your own post, which proves there was no "robbery". He removed tax relief.


Also, here is another link on the rumours: http://www.hl.co.uk/news/feature-articles/pension-tax-relief-possible-changes


I think it says more about the way you allow your political bias interfere with your duties as a moderator. Judging by the other posts on here most other people seem to agree.

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£100 billion. Makes £7 billion seem a bit small beer doesn't it?





Compare like with like please.


The £100 billion was quoted as "current and future"impact - although it doesn't say how many years in the future - and many of us have paid into pension funds for 30 odd years - so I'd expect the £100 billion to be a good 20 years worth.


Osborne's quoted £7 billion would appear to be the effect in a single year.

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Compare like with like please.


The £100 billion was quoted as "current and future"impact - although it doesn't say how many years in the future - and many of us have paid into pension funds for 30 odd years - so I'd expect the £100 billion to be a good 20 years worth.


Osborne's quoted £7 billion would appear to be the effect in a single year.


The difference being that Brown actually did it but Osborne hasn't

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