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Another reason to legalise drugs

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Before they banned heroin there were 47 heroin addicts in the UK. They didn't commit crime to fund their addiction, they just bought it from the chemist.




Use went up a lot after they banned it, purity went down, safety went out of the window, prices went up & you started to see what you'd recognise as drug addicts now. All the problems are caused by it being illegal.


I love a post where things are simply ignored (or lied about) to forward an opinion.


First. It was listed as 47.5 addicts. The half an addict suggests the figures were a load of old doggy droppings.


Second. Social conditions were very different then. This has also beeen ignored in this daft post.


prices went up


But more people bought it. Thick as the previously mentioned droppings but this time from a porker.


The problem became serious as more people were able to afford the crap and as other social values were lost.


Drug use is a symptom of a society in trouble and should be stamped on hard.

Death for all dealers, regardless of quantity and national service for anyone caught using (after cold turkey).

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Yes, drugs can allow you some experiences you can't get while your brain works properly.


There was a needle exchange in Barnsley. Nearby was an old air raid shelter where the drug puddled idiots used to shoot up. Most were pretty young, around 16 to 20 (at a guess).

The blokes from the gay massage parlour, the greenhouse, sheffield road, used to go round to shag the kids.

I understand they paid for their addict's next fix.


Aren't drugs great? :loopy:


What the idiot drug supports fail to mention is the real effect of that especially daft hobby.


take some lsd, it may change your outlook on life :)

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Lets face it do you ever expect the goverment to legalise drugs.I think a vast majority put our trust in the goverment as far as drugs are concerned for the good of the people.


Yes, I think one day we will look back and laugh at the idea that drugs were once illegal.


Give me ONE good point about the current drugs policy, just one! I think you'll find that there aren't any. It costs the government BILLIONS every year and drug use continues to grow. People will take drugs, all over the world, until the end of time and there's nothing you or anyone else can do about it. So, it's about time we stopped throwing our hard earned money at a totally flawed and failed policy and made drugs legal.

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I love a post where things are simply ignored (or lied about) to forward an opinion.

Is that why you do it yourself?


First. It was listed as 47.5 addicts. The half an addict suggests the figures were a load of old doggy droppings.

You have presumably looked at the article. The figures it gives are 317 addicts in total, of which 15% were addicted to heroin.

The original article clearly just rounded off the percentage figure.

Second. Social conditions were very different then. This has also beeen ignored in this daft post.

Were our social conditions so very different from America?

By contrast, in the US, where heroin was outlawed in 1925, it was said to be a "major social problem".
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I'd make Class A drugs a pound a bucket full and rid the planet of these low life smack rats once and for all!
But, just to be sure, best provide a medication service (for free) which ensures their prescription is delivered through a funnel, rather like the way fois gras geese are fed.
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